11 APRIL [1481]
The year is fixed by No. 284, where it is stated that John Edgcombe (or Agecomb) died on 1 April. From A.C., xlvi, 279.
Ryght worshypfull Syr, and my specyall good master, I commaunde me to yow and where hyt ys so as I am enformyd þat on doctor Egge- combe, late resydencyare of Exeter, is decesyd, þe whyche hadde a benefyce callyd Ermynton in Devonshyre of your patronage, now beyng
voyde, þe whyche I have harde reporte Ʒe entende to apropure or to have lycence to make a chauntre or ij off, to þe whyche I am enformyd þe bysshoppe woll in no wyse assent: wherfore yff
Ʒe kan notte opteyn your purpose, butte moste nedys gyff hytte, yff hytte wold plese yow to have me rememburyd þerunto, I were ever bounden to be your bedde- mann, and to pray for yow, as God knowyth, who ever preserve yow, Amen. Wryton
in hast Ʒe xj day of Aprile. I pray yow geve credens to þe berer heroff. Your one to hys power, Richard Salter, doctor.
To the ryght worshypfull Syr William Stonor, knyght, þis byll be delyveryd. |