Directions for a Christening
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Directions for a Christening
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/70
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 358; Kingsford, 'Supplementary', item 358
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[? 1482.]This is in the writing of Sir William Stonor, and may relate to the christen-
ing of his son. From Ch. Misc. 37. iv. 70.To lede the chyld my brother Tomas, my brother Rokys. To bere
the salt Thomas Lyne. To bere the basun Jon Doyly. To bere
the gyftes Edmund Ramsey, Harry Makeney, Jelys Vellysborne.
Ends with a list of torche berers, including Morres Estcort, Christopher
Holand and others.19CALENDAR OF OTHER PAPERS.
This Calendar gives a list of such additional Stonor Papers as do not require
to be dealt with at more length.1314. July 3. Letters of attorney by John Brian to William de
Nettelbede to give seisin to John de Stonor of a part of the
Manor of Bixegybewyne and of "Stokelpathes croft."Anc. Deeds. c. 9457.
[1329]. Particulars of the holding of John de Asperville at Ayles-
bury (see Anc. Deeds. C. 231 for grant by him to John de
Stonor).Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 6.
1336. Receipt by Nicholas, treasurer of the house of Clerkenwell,
to John de Stonhore, knight, for 100 s. in part of the rent of
Warpsgrove and Easington. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 1.c. 1350. Messuages and lands held by John de Stonor at Burton
near Aylesbury: most had belonged formerly to Ralph Clerke.
The rents and services are given. Some marginal notes—
"Comes Wiltes"—"Dns. dux Ebor. tenet unde redd."—
seem to have been added in the fifteenth century, when the
Duke of York held as representative of the Earl of Ulster.Ch. Misc. 37 ix. 65.
[1355]. Feb. 2 Acquittance by Agnes, late the wife of John
Freysel and executrix of his testament, to John de Stonor,
knight, and Edmund de Stonor, his brother, executors of John
de Stonor the father. Dated at Stonor "lendy en feste de
Purificacion"1 28 Edward III. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 2.1366. May 3. Receipt by John Baret2 of Donyngton to Edmund
de Stonor for 10 marks in full satisfaction of a bond for a
larger amount. Dated at Pyrton. Anc. Deeds. C. 9454.1368. Account by John Cok, collector at Hembury.
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 3.
1369–71. Accounts by Agnes, widow of John Cok for 1369–70,
and by John Brewyng for 1370–1 at Hembury.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 4.
1371. Indented memorandum by the executors of John Cok as
to debt to Edmund de Stonor from Hembury.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 5.
1376. April 10. Receipt by Edmund de Stonor to William
Mulso3 for 46 s. 8 d. "pro firma tenementi nostri in venella
Sancte Petri London juxta Pouleswarf," to Lady-day last.
Dated at Stonor. Anc. Deeds. C. 9488.[1377]. Indenture as to writs delivered to Edmund de Stonor,
sheriff of Oxfordshire. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 48.1378. May 7. Deputation by Edmund de Stonor and Reginald
de Sheffeld to John de Lancastre and John Graystoke toarrest Richard Thorp, William Frank and William Middle-
worth.1 Ch. Misc. 37, iv. 60.[1378]. Agreement between Edmund de Stonor and the Abbot of
Bruerne, as to the grange of Hinchwick in Condicote. Almost
wholly illegible. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 10.[1378]. An Indenture by Edmund de Stonor, late sheriff of Oxford-
shire and Berks, of the writs delivered by him, presumably
to his successor Thomas Barentyn. Much damaged and only
in part legible. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 11.1378]. Quietus2 of Edmund de Stonor as sheriff of Oxfordshire
and Berks Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 12.1422. Oct. 28. Receipt by William Boteler, servant of Thomas
Stonor, to John Dymmok for rents of Ermyngton from
Michaelmas 1421 to Michaelmas 1422. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 15.c. 1430. Receipt by Thomas Reynwell,3 "fyschmonger of London"
to Thomas Stonor for 4os. in payment for salt fish.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 17.
1431. Will of Thomas Stonor. A rough draft, but somewhat
fuller than No. 54. Anc. Deeds. C. 9524.c. 1440. Account of William Boteler with Richard Drayton.
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 18.
1462. Pleas of Novel Disseisin in the dispute between Fortescue
and Stonor as to the Manor of Ermington.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 20.
c. 1465. Rents of Thomas Stonor at Tylehurst.
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 23.
1466. Certificate by John, minister of the Trinitarian friars at
Houndeslowe that Thomas Stonor, esquire, and Joan, his
wife, are entitled to participate in the benefit of their prayers.Ch. Misc. 15, v. 29.
1467 or 1472. An account of a servant of Thomas Stonor, who
received 4 marks by the year. One date is Friday, 25 Sept.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 25.
[1469 or 1470]. "Expensis of Roberd Barry4 frome Stonor to
Horton and home ayen"?Left on Tuesday, stayed Wednesday
in London, Thursday to Horton, Friday to London, Saturday
home. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 21.[1472]. Draft of marriage settlement of Sibil Breknok.1
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 26.
1472. Bill of legal costs of Thomas Stonor.
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 27.
1476. July 29. Mandate by Richard Quatremayns, justice of
the peace and sheriff of Oxfordshire, to Robert Warner, bailiff,
and to John Yonge and William Fuller, constables of Watlyng-
ton, to attach Richard Bailly of Watlyngton and bring him to
Ricote, there to find security to keep the peace towards Robert
Cowper. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 29.1477. An account by Richard Blakhall. Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 30.
1478. Another account by Richard Blakhall.
Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 32.
[c. 1480]. A receipt by Henry Mackney, "from my master."Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 31.
[c. 1480]. Reparations for Sir W. Stonor at Stonor, Assenden
and Tickfeldhethe and Thomas a Woodes by Harry Chowne.Ch. Misc. 37, xviii. 24.
1480. Jan. 11.2 Copy of will of Richard Sponer, of Ashenden.Sir William Stonor, overseer. Anc. Deeds. C. 9553.
1482. March 1. Memorandum of the delivery by Sir William
Stonor at Tettesworth to Peter Marmion of deeds of the Abbot
and Convent of Thame to secure annuities to Marmion, his
wife and sons.20 Anc. Deeds. C. 9863.This was part of the proceedings to secure Stonor's title to
Nursling and other lands, against the claims of Thomas
Hardgrave. See English Historical Review, XXXV. 421-32,
where this memorandum is printed in full on p. 423. Other
documents relating to the transaction appear on Close Roll
21 Edward iv. m. 3.1 The 2nd February was on a Monday in 1355, but not in 1354; the regnal
year would seem to be wrongly given. Sir John de Stonor, the judge, did
not die till August, 1354.
2 See No. 31. This document suggests that the true date of that letter
is 1366.
3 See No. 33.1 See No. 18, and Dr. J. R. Magrath's The Queen's College, i. 106-11, 126-9.
2 This is an unusually early instance of a Quietus, apart from the record
in the Pipe Roll.3 The only Thomas Reynwell whom I find died about 1430. Cal. Letter-
Book, K., p. 115.4 Barry went on two errands to Thomas Mull at Horton, cf. Nos. 100
and 111.1 See No. 114.
2 The date is given as "millesimo quadrigentesimo et octogesimo nono"
[1489-90], But from Ch. Misc. 37. ix. 30 (see Stonor Letters, ii. 168) which
is dated 23 January, in the 19th year of Edward IV [1479-80] it is clear that
the will was incorrectly copied. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'Supplementary Stonor Letters and Papers (1314-1482)'
[? 1482.]
This is in the writing of Sir William Stonor, and may relate to the christen-
ing of his son. From Ch. Misc. 37. iv. 70.To lede the chyld my brother Tomas, my brother Rokys. To bere
the salt Thomas Lyne. To bere the basun Jon Doyly. To bere
the gyftes Edmund Ramsey, Harry Makeney, Jelys Vellysborne.
Ends with a list of torche berers, including Morres Estcort, Christopher
Holand and others.1 The title is written in dorso. 2 A large bowl or pail.