MAISTER Paston, we comaund us to you, lattyng you witt that the Sheriff is noght so hole as he was, for now he wille shewe but a part of his frende- shippe. And also there is grete prese off pepill, and fewe frendes, as ferr as we can feel yitt. And therfore be ye sadly avised wheder ye seme best to come your self, or send or, &c., for we will assay in as much as in us is to prevaile to your entente. And yett, if it neded, we wolde have a man to giffe us informacion, or shewe evidence after the case requireth. Also the Shereffe enformed us that he hath writyng from the Kyng that he shall make such a panell to aquyte the Lord Moleynes. And also he tolde us, and as ferr as we can con- ceyve and feel, the Shereff wille panell gentylmen to aquyte the Lorde, and jowroures to a quyte his men; and we suppose that it is be the mocion and meanes of the othir party. And yif any meanes of tretie be proferd, we know not what meane shulde be to your pleasir. And therfore we wolde fayne have mor knowlege, yiff ye think it were to doo.
No more at this tyme, bot the holy Trinite have you in his
kepyng. Wretin at Walsyngham, in hast, the secund day of May.—Be your trewe and feithfull frendes,
And also, Sir, as we conceyve, the Lord Moleynes shall not be quyte before Thurseday; in as muche as he was in- dyted before the Justice, we undirstand he shall not be quyte but before the Justice. Wherfore we avise you, iff ye think it be to doo, to send your frendes in the meane tyme, and come your self to your place at Sperham, and there abyde unto tyme that we have knowlege how the saide mater will drawe, and till that we may have worde from you, and ye from us, &c.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] As this letter speaks of the indictment and expected acquittal of Lord Molyns, the date must be 1451. This letter is written on parchment.