To the right worshipfull and my good master, Sir Robart Plomp-
ton, kt.
Right worshipfull Sir, I comend me to you, and yt is so that I
am through with my brother, Edward Plompton,a touching Haveray
parke, and hath made a pare of indentures betwixt you and me
touching the same:b and now, at our lady in lent next comyng,
there is to be payd due to me viiili, which, I trust your mastership,
wilbe redy at that day: and any service yt list you, comannd me;
I am yours, as knowes God, who keepe you. At Waryngton,
the last day of August.
(31 Aug. 1490) Your , DAVY HERVY.c
a David Griffith was, it appears from this letter, brother of Agnes, the first wife
of Edward Plumpton, and through this connexion the latter probably got placed
in his situation of secretary to Lord Strange.?See also Letter VI. as to his recep-
tion by his kinsmen in Lancashire.
b This lease is transcribed in the Plumpton Coucher-book, No. 758, and purports
to be between David app Griffith of the one party and Sir Robert Plompton, knight,
of the other, whereby the office of the keeping of Haverey Parke, with the herbage and
pannage, &c was granted for the term of six years to the latter, at a rent of viiili to
commence from lady day next coming; Sir Richard langton and Sir John Langton,
clerk, being sureties in 20li for the performance of the covenants on the part of Sir
Robert; the date, 26 Aug, 6 Hen. VII. 1490.
c Sic, sed lege Griffith.