To my worshipfull master, Sir Robart Plompton,kt
Right worshipfull Sir, I recomend me to your mastership, and
yt is so that the Kings grace hath appoynted my lord to wayt upon
his grace, now at this his noble vage into France; wherfore I
must take homely upon your mastership, and desire you to helpe
me with my fee for yere, for I am distytute of money; and
this my wrytting shalbe your discharg and warrant ot delyver yt to
the berer herof.a And if yt may be done now at
this tyme, I
am bounden to you to doe you any pleasure that lyes in my power,
with Gods mercy, who preserve you, my gud master, and I pray
you to take credence to Rich: Shaw, this berer, in my behalfe.
The iij day of February.
Your owne
(3 Feb: 1491-2.)
a It was not till month of
October in the year 1492, that Henry VII . sat down
before Boulogne, and on the 20th of the month, 8 Hen. VII. Geffrey Townley, ser-
vant to Sir Robert Plumpton, paid 8li to William, abbot of Whalley, to be
to Dame Fr. Gryfin. (Chartul. No. 766.) |