Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/213
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 226; Kingsford, Vol II, item 226
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
We know from No. 217 that Lady Stonor intended to be in London in the
latter part of August, 1478, and from No. 225 that she was expected to come
to London shortly on 1 August. So that year seems to be certain. The re-
ference to Robert Warner also points to 1478, see Nos. 203 and 206. From
A.C., xlvi, 213.27Jhesus.
Ryght enterly and my moste specyall belovyd husband, I recomaunde
me to yow yn the moste harty wyse, desyryng to here of yowre welefare
&c., thankyng yow of yowre lettyr and of yowre partrechys. And for
Robert Warner, he ys cum to towne: dyverce of yowre servantys and
myne have spoken with hym: he seyeth that he can receyve no money
as yet, notwithstondyng he yntendyth to speke with me or he departe,
and wyll content me yef he may.I pray God that he may so do. Also
I pray yow to send me a answere of the mater that I wrote to yow for
the Lumbarde. And yef hyt myght plese yow to take the labur to
ryde ovyr, then ye may answere to the mater yowre selfe, whyche wyll
be to me grete hartes ese and plesure: for I thynke hyt ryght longe
syth I speke with yow. Syr, I truste to Jhesu to se yow here yn shorte
tyme. No more to yow at thys tyme, [but] Jhesu preserve yow yn hys
kepyng. Wrytyn at Lundun the Fryday afore sent Bartylmewys day.By your owne wyff Elysabeth Stonore.
To my most enterly belovyd husband Syr Wylliam Stonore, knyght.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
We know from No. 217 that Lady Stonor intended to be in London in the
latter part of August, 1478, and from No. 225 that she was expected to come
to London shortly on 1 August. So that year seems to be certain. The re-
ference to Robert Warner also points to 1478, see Nos. 203 and 206. From
A.C., xlvi, 213.Jhesus.
Ryght enterly and my moste specyall belovyd husband, I recomaunde
me to yow yn the moste harty wyse, desyryng to here of yowre welefare
&c., thankyng yow of yowre lettyr and of yowre partrechys. And for
Robert Warner, he ys cum to towne: dyverce of yowre servantys and
myne have spoken with hym: he seyeth that he can receyve no money
as yet, notwithstondyng he yntendyth to speke with me or he departe,
and wyll content me yef he may. I pray God that he may so do. Also
I pray yow to send me a answere of the mater that I wrote to yow for
the Lumbarde. And yef hyt myght plese yow to take the labur to
ryde ovyr, then ye may answere to the mater yowre selfe, whyche wyll
be to me grete hartes ese and plesure: for I thynke hyt ryght longe
syth I speke with yow. Syr, I truste to Jhesu to se yow here yn shorte
tyme. No more to yow at thys tyme, [but] Jhesu preserve yow yn hys
kepyng. Wrytyn at Lundun the Fryday afore sent Bartylmewys day.By your owne wyff Elysabeth Stonore.
To my most enterly belovyd husband Syr Wylliam Stonore, knyght.