Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/212
- Date
- 5 October 1478
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 229; Kingsford, Vol II, item 229
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
As 5th October, 1478, was on a Monday "my ffadyr's deryge" was on the
previous day. John Croke made his will on 26th September, 1477 (proved 19th
November 1477), presumably he died on 4th October of that year. "My
broder Stooker" is Sir William Stocker. Betson has been married since No.
217, perhaps in August. This letter was printed in Excerpta Historica, 355.
From A.C., xlvi, 212.Jhesu. An? xviij?
Right best and hartely well belovid husbond, I recommaund me
unto you with all myn hart, lettynge you wete that I am right well
amendid, I thannke god þeroff: and on Sonday last past I was at thechirche at my ffadyrs deryge, and soppid with my modyr the same nyght.
And Syr, yeff I had ones done my pilgramages I reke nat how sone I
were with you at Stonor: and þerffore, gentyll Syr, I praye you ?at ye
ffayll nat to send me myn horsse on Settyrday next. And also I praye
you to remembre the matter I spake to you off at your departynge: ffor
with owte that, I can nat with your worshipe and myn depart London:
ffor Cobbe call apon me dayly ffor money, and the bere wyffe with
oþer, as I told you. And also I praye you to remembre my sonne
Betson: ffor he hath mych a doo with money now, and he trustith
veraly to your promesse: ffor Godes sake, syr, lett hym nat be forgotten.
My modyr and my broodyr Stooker recomaunde hem both right hartely
unto you: and ffull ffayn they wold þat ye had bene here, yff it myght
have bene your ease. And as ffor me I wold nat that ye were here,
ye know it well enowgh: neverthelesse ffor soth what som ever I wryte
I wold I were at Stonor: ffor truly I am veray wery off London, ffor
my son Betson intendes to ryde in to the countre, now whenne I come
home: and he is ffast ryggynge hym þer ffore, so that at many tymes I
am post a loyne, and that causeth me to thynnke the more ellynger:
and þerffore, good syr, remembre myn horsse on Setterday with owte
ffawte. My son Betson and his wiffe recommaunde them unto you:
and he told me that he hath bought here in London seth ye departid
v. sacces Cottes. ffor a part redy money and the rest at mydsomer next:
I undyrstond it is a good bargayn. God lenne grace, who preserve you
ever in vertu and longe helth to Godes plesour. The v day off Octobre.By your ovne wyff D. Elysabeth Stonore.
Unto Ryght Reverent and worschyppefull Cosyn Syr Wyllm. Stonor,
knyght, in the manor at Stonor, thys letter be delyverd. dd. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
As 5th October, 1478, was on a Monday “my ffadyr’s deryge” was on the
previous day. John Croke made his will on 26th September, 1477 (proved 19th
November 1477), presumably he died on 4th October of that year. “My
broder Stooker” is Sir William Stocker. Betson has been married since No.
217, perhaps in August. This letter was printed in Excerpta Historica, 355.
From A.C., xlvi, 212.Jhesu. Ano xviijo
Right best and hartely well belovid husbond, I recommaund me
unto you with all myn hart, lettynge you wete that I am right well
amendid, I thannke god þeroff: and on Sonday last past I was at the
chirche at my ffadyrs deryge, and soppid with my modyr the same nyght.
And Syr, yeff I had ones done my pilgramages I reke nat how sone I
were with you at Stonor: and þerffore, gentyll Syr, I praye you þat ye
ffayll nat to send me myn horsse on Settyrday next. And also I praye
you to remembre the matter I spake to you off at your departynge: ffor
with owte that, I can nat with your worshipe and myn depart London:
ffor Cobbe call apon me dayly ffor money, and the bere wyffe with
oþer, as I told you. And also I praye you to remembre my sonne
Betson: ffor he hath mych a doo with money now, and he trustith
veraly to your promesse: ffor Godes sake, syr, lett hym nat be forgotten.
My modyr and my broodyr Stooker recomaunde hem both right hartely
unto you: and ffull ffayn they wold þat ye had bene here, yff it myght
have bene your ease. And as ffor me I wold nat that ye were here,
ye know it well enowgh: neverthelesse ffor soth what som ever I wryte
I wold I were at Stonor: ffor truly I am veray wery off London, ffor
my son Betson intendes to ryde in to the countre, now whenne I come
home: and he is ffast ryggynge hym þer ffore, so that at many tymes I
am post a loyne, and that causeth me to thynnke the more ellynger:
and þerffore, good syr, remembre myn horsse on Setterday with owte
ffawte. My son Betson and his wiffe recommaunde them unto you:
and he told me that he hath bought here in London seth ye depart id
v. sacces Cottes. ffor a part redy money and the rest at mydsomer next:
I undyrstond it is a good bargayn. God lenne grace, who preserve you
ever in vertu and longe helth to Godes plesour. The v day off Octobre.By your ovne wyff D. Elysabeth Stonore.
Unto Ryght Reverent and worschyppefull Cosyn Syr Wyllm. Stonor,
knyght, in the manor at Stonor, thys letter be delyverd. dd.