Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Dame Elizabeth Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/210B
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 208; Kingsford, Vol II, item 208
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
No. 215 shows that Sir William Stonor had been ill in May, 1478, so that
this year seems probable in spite of the fact that Stonor is not addressed as a
knight; but in her earlier letters Elizabeth Stonor always addresses her
husband as Squire, so that the address is in any case peculiar. Richard
Blakhall's account—see p. 168 below—shows that Lady Stonor was away from
home in the early part of May, 1478. The references to the Fenns and
Stepney point to a date rather later than No. 183. Barnwell may be Thomas
Barnwell, fishmonger, who occurs in 1485 (Letter-Book, L., 219). Sir Harry
Fenn was a clerk in holy orders and brother of John Fenn (P.C.C., 17
Wattys). The original is very imperfect. From A.C., xlvi, 210*.. . . þerto [a] sponefull . . . half a nottemegge in powder, and
drynke hem togeddyrs and ye shall with Godes grace ffynde greate ease
þerin. I marvell that ye wold not send ffor noþinge to helpe you after
your fallynge: be my trouth I knew not þeroff till now by your writynge,
and yff I had knowen it I wold not have bene mery, nor nomore I am
not, nor shall not till I see you, the which by my good will shalbe
shortely assone as I can make anend. My tariynge is now ffor to have
my dedes here off London and Stepynhith seelid by syr Harry Fenne,
Barnewell and Wallesse. Barnewell is not in towne: he will be here
shortely, and I trust to speke off all þinges in that matter with godes
grace. Syr Harry Fenne and Fyncham be resonabely well kee yd: þei
be not so hoote as they were: and yet they wilbe better hereafter I
dowte not. And I praye you hartely gentill [l]offynge husbond to be
mery and take in conseyie with you in your . . . ease . . . with [go]des
grace it shall as lyghtly p[ass] as it come and trewly . . .To my most worshipfull and best beloved husband William Stonor.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
No. 215 shows that Sir William Stonor had been ill in May, 1478, so that
this year seems probable in spite of the fact that Stonor is not addressed as a
knight; but in her earlier letters Elizabeth Stonor always addresses her
husband as Squire, so that the address is in any case peculiar. Richard
Blakhall’s account—see p. 168 below—shows that Lady Stonor was away from
home in the early part of May, 1478. The references to the Fenns and
Stepney point to a date rather later than No. 183. Barnwell may be Thomas
Barnwell, fishmonger, who occurs in 1485 (Letter-Book, L., 219). Sir Harry
Fenn was a clerk in holy orders and brother of John Fenn (P.C.C., 17
Wattys). The original is very imperfect. From A.C., xlvi, 210*.. . . þerto [a] sponefull . . . half a nottemegge in powder, and
drynke hem togeddyrs and ye shall with Godes grace ffynde greate ease
þerin. I marvell that ye wold not send ffor noþinge to helpe you after
your fallynge: be my trouth I knew not þeroff till now by your writynge,
and yff I had knowen it I wold not have bene mery, nor nomore I am
not, nor shall not till I see you, the which by my good will shalbe
shortely assone as I can make anend. My tariynge is now ffor to have
my dedes here off London and Stepynhith seelid by syr Harry Fenne,
Barnewell and Wallesse. Barnewell is not in towne: he will be here
shortely, and I trust to speke off all þinges in that matter with godes
grace. Syr Harry Fenne and Fyncham be resonabely well keelyd: þei
be not so hoote as they were: and yet they wilbe better hereafter I
dowte not. And I praye you hartely gentill [l]offynge husbond to be
mery and take in conseyte with you in your . . . ease . . . with [go]des
grace it shall as lyghtly p[ass] as it come and trewly . . . .To my most worshipfull and best beloved husband William Stonor.