Dame Anne Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Dame Anne Stonor to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/209
- Date
- 27 February [1482]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 306; Kingsford, Vol II, item 306
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Clearly written by Stonor?s third wife soon after their marriage, and so to
be assigned to 1482. Anne Stonor was daughter of John Neville, Marquis
of Montagu, and was staying at Taunton with the Marquess of Dorset, whose
wife was Cicely Bonville (see No. 314). Only the signature is autograph.
From A.C., xlvi, 209.Syr, I recomaund me unto you in my most h[ert]y wise, right joyfull
to here of yowre helthe: liketh you to knowe, at be writyng of Þis bill
I was in good helthe, thynkyng long sith I saw you, and if I had knowen
Þat I shold hav ben this long tyme from you I wold have be moche lother
then I was to have comyn into this ferre Countrey. But I trust it shall
not be long or I shall see you here, and else I wold be sorye on good
feith. Syr, I am moche byholdyng to my lady, for she maketh right
moche of me, and to all the company, officers and other. I have early
trust uppon your comyng unto Þe tyme of thassise, and else I wold have
send Herry Tye to you long or Þis tyme. I have delyvered a bill to
Herry Tye of suche gownes as I wold have for Þis Ester. And I
beseche oure blessed lord preserve you. From the Castell of Taunton
Þe xxvij day of Februarer.Your new wyf Anne Stonor.
No endorsement.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
Clearly written by Stonor’s third wife soon after their marriage, and so to
be assigned to 1482. Anne Stonor was daughter of John Neville, Marquis
of Montagu, and was staying at Taunton with the Marquess of Dorset, whose
wife was Cicely Bonville (see No. 314). Only the signature is autograph.
From A.C., xlvi, 209.Syr, I recomaund me unto you in my most h[ert]y wise, right joyfull
to here of yowre helthe: liketh you to knowe, at þe writyng of þis bill
I was in good helthe, thynkyng long sith I saw you, and if I had knowen
þat I shold hav ben this long tyme from you I wold have be moche lother
then I was to have comyn into this ferre Countrey. But I trust it shall
not be long or I shall see you here, and else I wold be sorye on good
feith. Syr, I am moche byholdyng to my lady, for she maketh right
moche of me, and to all the company, officers and other. I have early
trust uppon your comyng unto þe tyme of thassise, and else I wold have
send Herry Tye to you long or þis tyme. I have delyvered a bill to
Herry Tye of suche gownes as I wold have for þis Ester. And I
beseche oure blessed lord preserve you. From the Castell of Taunton
þe xxvij day of Februarer.Your new wyf Anne Stonor.
No endorsement.