172 Dame Agnes Plumpton to Thomas Everingham,1 [15 January 1502/3] (No. 86, p. 47)
[p. 48] Cousin Thomas Everyngam, I recomennd me vnto [you], thanking you of your good mynd & will at all tymes, praying you þat ye will take þe labor & payne vpon you to come & speak with me betwyxt this & Tewsday next, as my speciall trust is in you; & þat ye faylle not therof, as I may dow for you as much in tyme to come. No more at this tyme, but the Trenytie kepe you. From Plompton in hast, this Sant Maury Day.
By yours at my power Dame Agnes Plompton
Endorsed (p. 47): To Master Thomas Eueringam be this bill deliuered in hast
1 The letter implies that the recipient, possibly a cleric, was an employee of the Plumptons. He was a younger son of Sir John Everingham, of Birkin, near Selby, who died in 1528, Test.Ebor., iv, 171; ibid., v, 9.