Dame Agnes Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Dame Agnes Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 82, p. 45
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To Sir Robert Plumpton, Kt', item 153; Kirby, item 190
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
190 Dame Agnes Plumpton to Sir Robert Plumpton, [26 April 1504] (No.
82, p. 45)[p. 46] Right worshipfull, I in most hartee wyse recomennd me vnto
you, desiring to heare of your well faire and good speed in your
<matters>, letting you vnderstand that I [. . .]a <am in good> helth,
with all your children, blessed be Jesu, and pray you of your daly
blessinge; and all your servants is [. . .]b <in good> helth and is right
glad to here of your welfare. Sir, one the eving after the making of this
letter your servant Edmund Robynsonc came home, and so I vnderstand
by your letter ?at you wold vnderstand if Sir John Roclife servants
haue receiued any ferme in Yorkshire, but therof I can get no knowledg
as yet, but they haue sould oke wood at Nesfeld, & lettes them stand
to the tyme of the yeare, one oke ?at is worth xld for xijd. And also
they haue sold [. . .]d <aches> at the saime place; and the okes ar sold
to William Clapame & Richard Clapame, and the aches to the towards
there about; & also at Idell they haue sold holyn to James Formes &
to Thomas Quertin and William Aches; and herof I can geet no more
certaintie as yet, nor your seruants nether, at this tyme; but the Trenitie
haue you in his blessed keeping. Scrybled in hast, the Fryday next after
St Marke DayBy your wyffe Dame Agnes Plomptone
Endorsed (p. 45): To the worshipfull Robart Plompton kt be thes byll
deliuered in hasta Comend deleted.
b comend deleted.
c Marginal note: Edm. Robinson.
d okes deleted.
e Appended: Copied the 19 day of March 1612.
- Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the worshipfull Robart Plompton, kt. be thes byll delivered
in hast.Right worshipfull, I in most hartee wyse recomennd me unto
you, desiring to heare of your wellfaire and good speed in your
matters, letting you understand that I am in good helth, with all
your children (blessed be Jesu), and pray you of your daly bless-
inge; and all your servants is in good health and is right glad to
here of your welfare. Sir, one the eving after the making of this
letter, your servant Edmund Robyson come home, and so I un-
derstond by your letter, that you wold understand if Sir John Ro-
clife servants have received any ferme in Yorkshire, but therof I
can get no knowledg as yet. But they have sold oke wood at
Nesfeld, and lettes them stand to the tyme of the yere, one oke
that is worth xld for xijd; and also they have sold aches at the
same place: and the okes are sold to William Clapame and Rich-
ard Clapame, and the aches to the towards there about. And
also at Idell, they have sold holyn to James Formes and to Tho-
mas Quentin and William Aches, and herof I can geet no more
certaintie as yet. And also there is no mo of your tenaunts to get
as yet, nor your servants nether, at this tyme; but the Trenitie
have you in his blessed keepinge Scrybbled in hast, the fryday
next after St. Marke day.
By your wyffe,
(26 April 1504.) Dame AGNES PLOMPTON.