Copy of an indenture
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Copy of an indenture
- Reference
- Add. 27444, ff. 128-129
- Date
- 11 April 1464
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 561
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
Copy of an indenture bearing date 11th April, 4 Edward IV., witnessing
the delivery to Richard Calle, servant of John Paston, Esquire, by John, prior
of the monastery of Holy Trinity, Norwich, by virtue of the King’s writ, of a
red box containing seventeen bundles of evidences, with £40 of silver in groats,
and 80 nobles of gold, in a bag, and other valuables.An inventory of the articles referred to in the foregoing indenture is contained in
a separate paper mutilated in the right-hand margin, which we give verbatim as
follows:—This is the parcell be endenture received by Richard Calle of . . . .
. . . . . . . day of Aprile the forthe yere . . . . . . as it
apperit by the copye that the seyde Richard sendeth me by John Threcher.Unam cistam rubeam cum xvij. bundellis evidenciarum in eadem cista
contentis.Quadraginta libras argenti in grossis et iiijxx. nobil.
Duo turribula2 argenti et deaurata.
Unam pixidem argenti et deauratam.
Unum osculatorium cum imagine Sancti Jacobi et . . . .
Unum cruett argenti et deauratum.
Unum crismatorium rotundum. Md.3
Unum calicem argenti et deauratum.
Unum alium calicem cum imagine Sanctæ Trinitatis.
This is the copy of a bille drawin in Englyche that I sent home [of all]
manner of suche stuff as was in myne coffre in the abb[ey] . . . . . .
by a letter sent with the same bylle that he chowlde take hede that . . .
yf he fonde aney more, well be it, as it aperit in the seyd lett[er] . . .
woulle be lokyd [locked] uppe.Unum calicem de auro playne ponderis duas li[bras].
Unum alium calicem de auro cum scriptura ‘Cal[icem salutaris accipiam,’1
ponderis xix. unc’].Unam tabulam de auro cum imagine Sancti J[acobi positam cum lapidis
pretiosis,] ponderis xiij. unc’ et iij. quarteria.Unum par turribulorum argenti et deaurat’ cum scriptura, viz., in prima parte
’Dat’ est eis,’ &c.; et in secunda parte ‘Ascendit fumus,’ pond’ xiij.
lb. et [x. unc’].Unam pixidem argenti pro sacramento deaurat’ cum cruce [in summitate ac
chased cum] liliis, pond’ v. lb. et iij. unc’ di’.Unam ampullam argenti deaurat’ pond’ i. lb.3
4 All this was put in a paner togyddre and . . . . for to berit in to
the coffre.Item, xl. mark in noblis and xl. li. in gro[tis].
Item, evydens.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
2 Thuribula, censers, from thus.
3 These marginal notes are in John Paston’s hand.
1 Psalm cxv. [cxvi.] 13. 2 See Note 3 on last page.
3 The plate in this list is the same as that described in No. 554, by which the
words lost in this MS. have been supplied.4 Added in John Paston’s hand.
I left no
cruet in the
cofer.3I left non
soch in the
cofer but
chalis of
APRIL 11Thes to
chalis after
the unc’
xx.s. ar
xliij. li.2This is
worth xiij.
li. xv. s.2Thes be
worth, after
xxx. d. the
xxviij. li.
xiij s. ix. d.2