Clement Paston to John Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Clement Paston to John Paston
- Reference
- Add. 27444, f. 97
- Date
- 26 June 1461
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 461
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
To my rythe worchypfull broder, John Paston, be thys
delyveryd in hast.BRODER, I recomawnde me to zow, desyeryng to here
of yowre welfare, the qwyche I pray God mayntene.
Plesse yow to wette that I have sent my moder a
letter for mony for my swster;2 and if ze wyll agre that I
may have xxtili. [£20], I xall zeve zow acowmpts ther of, and
ze xall be payyd azen of the obligacyon that my moder hathe,
or ellys I xall take a swerte of my suster. I wysse obligacion
mwste nedes be swyd, and a doseyn accions more in her name,
and sche doo well thys terme; and it wyll be doo with in
fowertenyut. The Cowntas of Northumberlond3 and Robarde
Fenus4 ocupie all her lond, and that is a gret myscheffe. I
prey zow spe[ke] to my moder her of, and lat me have a
awnswer within this sevenyut. Also, broder, Wyndham is
come to town, and he seyd to me he wyll goo gett hym a
mayster, and me thowte by hym he wold be in the Kynges
servise, and he saythe that he wyll have Felbryg azen or
Myhelmes, or ther shal be v.c. [500] heds broke ther fore.
Brodere, I pray zow delyver the mony that I xwld have in to
swm prior of swm abbey to swm mayster of swm colage to be
delyveryd qwan I can espy ony londe to be porchasyd. I
pray zow send me word wyder ze wyll doo thus or no. No
more, but owre Lord have zow in Hys kepyng. Wrytyn on
Fryday nexst after Seynt John is day.By zour broder,
June, he was crowned at Westminster with great solemnity of bishops and other
temporal lords. And upon the morn after, the King went crowned again in West-
minster Abbey, in the worship of God and St. Peter. And upon the next morn he
went also crowned in St. Paul’s in the worship of God and St. Paul; and there the
angel came down and censed him. At which time was as great a multitude of people
in Paul’s as ever was seen afore in any days.’1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] Elizabeth Paston, who, as we have seen (No. 374),
had been married to Robert Poynings by the beginning of the year 1459, became his
widow in 1461, her husband having been killed in the second battle of St. Albans on
the 17th February. It would appear by this letter that she was immediately after dis-
possessed of her husband’s lands by Eleanor, Countess of Northumberland, who was
Baroness Poynings in her own right.2 Elizabeth Paston, now widow of Robert Poynings.
3 Eleanor, widow of Henry Percy, third Earl, who was slain at Towton in 1461.
4 Fenys.
JUNE 261461