Clement Paston to John Paston Senior
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Clement Paston to John Paston Senior
- Reference
- Add. 34889, f. 2
- Date
- 15 February 1464
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol IV, item 557; Gairdner, 'Paston Letters', item 55
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume IV'
To hys rythe worchyfull broder, John Paston thelder,
Sqwyer be this delyveryd.BRODER, I recomawnde me to zowe. After all dew
recommendacions, &c. Az for Hew Fennys obliga-
cion, Zelverton knowlacheyd it to be Sir John Fastolfe
is dede opynly in the Escheker, and ther he hadde is jugement
to receive the mony and xli. for domages. And they report
here that they have a schreve after her entent that wyll mak
hem execucion, or ellis return that ye have wastyd the godis
of the dede; so that they wyll have execucion of zowr own
goodis, or ellys a wryt to tak zowr body. Thus ze may se
they zeve no fors wat they doo, thow they xwld lesse and stroy
all the goodis of the dede; And ther for, for savacion of
goodis of the dede, better it wer to suffer tak sum trete than
to suffer the goodis thus to be lost. Also Zelverton hathe ben
at all the tenauntis of Sowthewerk and chargid hem to pay no
mony but to hym. Also the kyng hathe ben in Glowcetescher
and pwnyssede hys rebellious a zens the lawe, and so he enten-
dithe to doo in Norfolk, and after that in oder contreez. God
zeve grasse and good spede in hys jornay. No more but I
pray Gode have zow in hys kepyng. Wretyn on Hasse Wed-
nysday in haste.Also I pray zou, send me xls. that I tok James Gressam
and John Pampyng for zowr materis. Also ther is no man
that hathe contentyd ony thyng in the Kyngis Benche of all
thys term for zour materis, and that makythe the clerkis and
zowr Aturnay wery. I trow I xall be fayn to contente hem or
ellys they xall be unpayyd.Zowr broder, CLEMENT PASTON.
2 [Add. MS. 34,889, f. 2.] For the date of this letter and the King’s going to
Gloucestershire, see preliminary note to No. 555, p. 88, Note 1.FEB. 15
FEB. 15 - Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, 1422-1509'
A.D. 1464, 15 Feb.
[Add. MS. 34,889, f. 2]
For the date of this letter and the king’s going to Gloucestershire, see
preliminary note to No. 482. An abstract of this letter has already
appeared in the Appendix to Vol. III., No. 1002.To hys rythe worchyfull broder, John Paston thelder,
Sqwyer be this delyveryd.BRODER, I recomawnde me to zowe. After all
dew recommendacions, &c. Az for Hew
Fennys obligacion, Zelverton knowlacheyd
it to be Sir John Fastolfe is dede opynly
in the Escheker, and ther he hadde is jugement to
receive the mony and xli. for domages. And they
report here that they have a schreve after her entent
that wyll mak hem execucion, or ellis return that
ye have wastyd the godis of the dede; so that they
wyll have execucion of zowr own goodis, or ellys a
wryt to tak zowr body. Thus ze may se they zeve
no fors wat they doo, thow they xwld lesse and stroy
all the goodis of the dede; And ther for, for savacion
of goodis of the dede, better it wer to suffer tak sum
trete than to suffer the goodis thus to be lost. Also
Zelverton hathe ben at all the tenauntis in Sowthe-
werk and chargid hem to pay no mony but to hym.
Also the kyng hathe ben in Glowcetescher and
pwnyssede hys rebellious a zens the lawe, and so he
entendithc to doo in Norfolk, and after that in oder
contreez. God zeve grasse and good spede in hys
jornay. No more but I pray Gode have zow in hys
kepyng. Wretyn on Hasse Wednysday in haste.Also I pray zou, send me xls. that I tok James
Gressam and John Pampyng for zowr materis. Also
ther is no man that hathe contentyd ony thyng in
the Kyngis Benche of all thys term for zour materis,
and that makythe the clerkis and zowr Aturnay wery.
I trow I xall be fayn to contente hem or ellys they
xall be unpayyd.—Zowr broder,CLEMENT PASTON.