Christopher Hudson to William Plumpton
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Christopher Hudson to William Plumpton
- Reference
- WYL655/2 No. 34, p. 215
- Date
- 1 November, year unknown
- Library / Archive
- West Yorkshire Archives
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Stapleton, 'To other members of the Plumpton family', item 2; Kirby, item 221
- Transcript from Joan Kirby, 'The Plumpton Letters and Papers'
221 Christopher Hudson1 to William Plumpton, 1 November (No. 34, p.
215)Right worshipfull Sir,a in my hartyest maner I commend me to your
mastership and to my mistress your wife, thanking you of the good
chear ye maid me at my being with you. Sir, the cause of my wryting
vnto you at this time is to beg your mastership to [. . .]b to me for God
[. . .]c else [p. 216] ye vtterly vndo me. Wherfore I besich your mastership
I may know your mind in wryting, for I trust, seing I am your tennant,
ye will not put me owt, except it wear for som great cause, ?at ye
would ocupy it yourselfe, as ye promisd me at the beginning. Sir, the
gentleman that you said should haue it sayes that the first motion came
of you & [not] of him.Sir, ye spoke with me that you would haue had som good ling fish;
wherfore I send your mastership part to se how you like them, & if
you do like them, send me word in wryting what substance ye would
haue, and I shall helpe to provide you therof, or salt fish in likewise,
for I supose ye shall haue as good a penneworth now as ye shal haue
afterward. And thus our Lord haue your mastership in his keping. At
Beverley, the first day of November.Your louing frind and tennant at your pleasure Christopher
Endorsed (p. 215): To the right worshipful Mr Plompton of Plompton
this deliuera Marginal note: 34 letter by Christopher Hudson.
b Page torn.
c Page torn.
d Marginal note: Copied the 17 June, Saterday.
1 A tenant of the Babthorpes in Beverley. On 29 Jan. 1500/1 he and his wife Margaret
quitclaimed Sir Robert of all actions, quarrels and demands against them, CB, 808. - Transcript from Thomas Stapleton, 'Plumpton Correspondence: A series of letters, chiefly domestick, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII'
To the right worshipful Mr. Plompton of Plompton this deliver.
Right worshipfullSir, in my hartyest maner I commend me to
your mastership and to my mistres your wife, thanking you of the
good chear ye maid me at my being with you. Sir, the cause of
my wryting unto you at tis time is to beg of your mastership to
.................... to me for God.................... else ye utterly unto me.
Wherfore, I besich your mastership that I may know your mind
in wryting, for I trust, seing I am your tennant, ye will not put me
owt, except it wear for som great cause, that ye would ocupy it
yourselfe, as ye promised me at the begining. Sir, the gentleman
that you said should have it, sayes that the first motion came of
you and [not] of hi. Sir, ye spoke with me that you wold have
had som good ling fish; wherfore, I send your mastership part to
se how you like them, and if ye do like them, send me word in
wryting what substance ye would have, and I shall helpe to
provide you therof, or salt fish in likewise, for I supose ye
shall have as good a penneworth now as ye shall have after-
ward. And thus our Lord have your mastership in his keping.
At Beverlay, the first day of December.Your loving frind and tennant at your pleasure,
a Christopher Hudson was at this time tenant of the Babthorpe lands in Beverley,
mentioned in Letter CLXXX., near which town is Hunsley, perhaps the most ancient
residence of that family; for round the early seal of a Ralph de Babbetorp, engraved
in the volume relating to the Priory of Finchale, published by the Surtees Society,
1837, is the inscription, Sigill. Radulphi de Hundesle. This vill,in the township
and parish of Rowley, five miles from Beverley, gives name to the division of the
wapentake of Hart-hill, called Hunsley-Beacon.