2 28 May 1396
Charter of William Sparrow, chaplain, granting to Thomas Pynchebeck, chaplain, his messuage and its appurtenances in Nether Ousegate, York, which he had of the gift and feoffment of John Lindlay, citizen of York, which lies around William de Selby’s land and alongside the highway called Nether Ousegate as far as the cemetery of the church of St Michael near the bridge over the river Ouse, and near ‘Cayl- lomhall’ on either side of the river, to have and hold in perpetuity to the aforesaid Thomas and his successors as chaplains to celebrate for the repose of the soul of John de Gisburn, formerly citizen and merchant of York, and for the good estate of Ellen de Gisburn, his widow,1 for the souls of John’s mother and father, his ancestors and for all the faithful departed at the altar of St Nicholas in the church of St Martin in Micklegate, York, where Thomas and his successors shall say mass daily with due formality and without any interruption.
If it should happen that Ellen has failed to bestow the said premises, then the heirs of the said John are to have the right of appointing another suitable priest. Isabel, one of the heirs of John de Gisburn and her heirs is to have the first presentation to the chantry, and Alice, the other heir, is to have the second, and so on alternately, in perpetuity. Witnesses: William Frost, then mayor of York, John More and John de Hamden, then sheriffs of the city, Thomas Era, John de Braithwaite, William Salley, William de Cestr’ of York, and many others.
[Copyist’s note.] This deed hath 3 faire seales of red wax att the copying the 20th of Sept: 1615.
[CB, 300]
1 Sir Robert Plumpton’s maternal grandparents.