To my Maister Paston.
SIR, as I went to my horsward by Lincoln Coke ys place, hyt fortuned that Wymondham and H. Fenne talked to gedre, and called me by my name, and both asked how my maister4 fard, &c. Then Fen desyred me abyde to see astate taked yn Lyncoln place by hym boght of Markham. In the meene tyme the seyd Wymondham sent hys man to speke with hym, and yede yn talkyng of Sir Thomas5 how he
ille help labour to an ende, and had spoke with Heydon yersten efe for the seyd cause. I seyd the cruell amercie- mentes by their labour, and the [they?] not beneficed, shewed to grete a malice to undo a preest innocent yn such a cause, &c. After my takyng leefe, he called me ageyn, and seyd that he desyred Sir Thomas to be gode meene to my maister to hafe affeccion to the chylde, &c. I aunsuerd, yff my maister had before the maryage be laboured [i.e. if my master had been applied to before the marriage], hyt had [been] moche esyer to bryng aboute then now. And because hys fadre was so maryed ayenst my maister wille, he nevere wold hafe affeccion to hym all hys lyfe dayes. He seyd that Thomas1 was with hys modre ther she duellyth, and yff it please my maister to sende for hym by Sir Thomas meene, &c.
I ensure yow by my soule I brake no mater to hym but of Sir Thomas undoyng, and hys adversaries nevere the better, whych to my power wold help make it knowen to Lordes and all othyrs of the cruell amerciementes, the cruell juge to be knowen as he ys, for I am of hys contrey, and know hys rysyng and maryages as well as hym sylfe. At ix. at clok to hors bake. I pray yow breke my bille (?).
H. R.
3 [From MS. Phillipps, 9735, No. 249.] This letter clearly relates to the subject of the preceding No.
4 Sir John Fastolf.
5 Howes.
1 Apparently Thomas Fastolf.