Please yow to wete that as for ease of my maisters3 tenaunts in Dedham, yff a lettre were devysed by Maister Geney yn my maister name or youres to Thomas Hygham, one of the justices of pease in Suffolk that toke the veredyt, he myzt do grete ease, as yn disavowyng of it or yn wythdrawyng it owte of the bokes. Robert Dene, clerk of the pese, seyth that lete my maister councell avise that whych he may do undammaged hymsylf, and he wille with all hys hert. John Bokkyng ys well remembred that my maister caused the seyd Thomas Hygham, by Maister Geney mocion, to be one of the justice of pease, and one Jermyn of Suffolk also. Whych both Hygham and Jermyn hath suffred my maister hafe, savyng your reverence, tweyn shrewde tornys seth that they mizt hafe letted, as now the seyd Thomas Hygham myzt hafe letted the presentment or a moderated othyrwyse, &c.
At reverence of God, beyth as sone as ye may with my maister to ease hys spyryttes. He questioneth and desputyth with hys servauntes here, and wolle not be aunsuerd ne satisfyed som tyme but after hys wylfulnesse, for hyt suffysyth not our simple wyttes to appease hys soule; but when he spekyth wyth Maister
Zelverton, yow, or wyth William Geney and suche othyrs as be auctorised yn the law, and wyth haboundance of godes, he ys content and haldeth hym pleased wyth your aunsuers and mocions, as reson ys that he be. So wold Jesus, one of yow iij., or som suche othyr yn your stede, myzt hang at hys gyrdyll dayly to aunsuer hys materes.
I had but litille thyng to done when I scrybled thys bille.
2 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] There is no address to this letter, but it seems to have been intended for John Paston. The exact time when it was written is un- certain, but we have placed it after the last on account of the reference to Deddam. The true date cannot be many years before or after 1456.
3 Sir John Fastolf.