Bond by William Stonor to Richard Fowler
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Bond by William Stonor to Richard Fowler
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/19
- Date
- 9 May 1475
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 150; Kingsford, Vol I, item 150
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Richard Fowler, besides being Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, was
a prominent man in Oxfordshire. He was a nephew of Richard Quatermayns
(see Nos. 93 and 116). Leland states that Quatermayns had "a servant caullid
Thomas Fowler, his clerk, a toward felowe that after was Chauncelor of the
duchy of Lancastre," and was godfather to his son and "namid hym Richard
Quatermains Fowler"; the second Richard Fowler was Quatermayns' heir,
but proved "a very onthrift and sold al his landes" (Itinerary, i, 115). The
elder Richard Fowler was an arbitrator between William Stonor and his
mother (see No. 156), he may be the "Master Fowler" of Nos. 71 and 174,
and "Cousin Fowler" of Nos. 170 and 172. Quatermayns calls Thomas
Stonor his cousin in No. 92. Fowler died in NOV., 1477 (Will, P.C.C.,
32 Wattys). For this Bond, which has been cancelled by cutting, see
Nos. 144 and 145. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 19.Be it remembred that Willm. Stonore, squier, have borowed of
Richard Fowler, Chaunceller of the Duchie of Lancastre, the day of
making of thies presentes xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. for contentacion and
paiement of part of my ffaders debtes due to Syr Richard Harecourt,
knight, the which xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. I graunte and faithfully promitte
to content and pay ayein to the said Richard Fowler the xxij day of þis
present moneth of Maii. To the which paiement truely to be made
I bynde me and myn heires by this present bill. And for the more
seurtie of paiement of the said somme of xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. I wol
and require all personnes being seased in the Manoirs, landes, and
tenementes that late were my said ffaders to his use and behove and
nowe to my use after my said ffaders debtes paied, that thay doo content
and paie to the said Richard Fowler, his execoutours, and assignes the
said xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. afore that thay make eny astate or feoffement
to me or my heires of þe said Manoirs, landes and tenementes, or eny
part therof. In witnesse wherof to þis bill I have set my seall and sub-
scribed the same with myn owne hand the ixth day of Maii the xvth yere
of the Reign of King Edward the iiijth. Wyllm. Stonore. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
Richard Fowler, besides being Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, was
a prominent man in Oxfordshire. He was a nephew of Richard Quatermayns
(see Nos. 93 and 116). Leland states that Quatermayns had “a servant caullid
Thomas Fowler, his clerk, a toward felowe that after was Chauncelor of the
duchy of Lancastre,” and was godfather to his son and “namid hym Richard
Quatermains Fowler”; the second Richard Fowler was Quatermayns’ heir,
but proved “a very onthrift and sold al his landes” (Itinerary, i, 115). The
elder Richard Fowler was an arbitrator between William Stonor and his
mother (see No. 156); he may be the “Master Fowler” of Nos. 71 and 174,
and “Cousin Fowler” of Nos. 170 and 172. Quatermayns calls Thomas
Stonor his cousin in No. 92. Fowler died in Nov., 1477 (Will, P.C.C.,
32 Wattys). For this Bond, which has been cancelled by cutting, see
Nos. 144 and 145. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 19.Be it remembred that Willm. Stonore, squier, have borowed of
Richard Fowler, Chaunceller of the Duchie of Lancastre, the day of
making of thies presentes xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. for contentacion and
paiement of part of my ffaders debtes due to Syr Richard Harecourt,
knight, the which xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. I graunte and faithfully promitte
to content and pay ayein to the said Richard Fowler the xxij day of þis
present moneth of Maii. To the which paiement truely to be made
I bynde me and myn heires by this present bill. And for the more
seurtie of paiement of the said somme of xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. I wol
and require all personnes being seased in the Manoirs, landes, and
tenementes that late were my said ffaders to his use and behove and
nowe to my use after my said ffaders debtes paied, that thay doo content
and paie to the said Richard Fowler, his execoutours, and assignes the
said xxxiij. li. vj. s. viij. d. afore that thay make eny astate or feoffement
to me or my heires of þe said Manoirs, landes and tenementes, or eny
part therof. In witnesse wherof to þis bill I have set my seall and sub-
scribed the same with myn owne hand the ixth day of Maii the xvth yere
of the Reign of King Edward the iiijth. Wyllm. Stonore.