82 27 June 1519
Bond by William Babthorpe, esq., to stand in an obligation of 1,000m to William Plompton, esq., payable at Michaelmas next. Condition: that if William Babthorpe and Agnes his wife and others their feoffees and heirs shall keep the award of the king’s justices Robert Brudenell, kt, and Humphrey Coningsby, kt, arbitrators indifferently chosen by the parties, viz. William and Agnes Babthorpe and William and Isabel Plompton, to determine the right title and possession of all the manors, lands &c. which formerly belonged to Ralph Babthorpe, kt, or any of his successors, and all other quarrels and disagreements between the parties, and all costs and charges sustained by William Babthorpe. The award is to be given in writing and delivered to the parties under the seals of the arbitrators by the 18 Oct. next. If the arbitrators should make no award before St Luke’s Day, then William and Agnes shall fulfill and obey the judgement of the Lord Cardinal, Thomas, legate of the Holy See, archbishop of York and chancellor of England, provided it is given in writing under his seal, and delivered before the 1 Nov. next, otherwise the obligation shall be null and void.
[copyist’s note.] Copied the 19 December 1627, hauing a seale.
[CB, 850]