73 29 April 1511
Bond by Thomas Babthorpe, provost of the church of Hemingborough, to stand in an obligation to William Plompton, esq., of £100, payable on 24 June 1511. Condition: that Thomas Babthorpe and William Beddell, during the minority of William Babthorpe, shall keep and perform the judgement of Thomas, Lord Darcy and Marmaduke Constable, kt, arbitrators chosen by the parties to determine the right, title and possession of the manor of Babthorpe and the lands and tenements in Brackenholme and Hemingborough, which William Plompton claims in right of Isabel, his wife, and of the lands in Lincs claimed by Thomas in right of the aforesaid William Babthorpe, now under age, and of all other disagreements and debates between the parties before the date of this obligation, provided the award, sealed by the arbitrators, is delivered in writing to the parties before the feast of Michaelmas next coming, otherwise this obligation shall be void.
[Latin and English]
[Copist’s note.] Copied 23 November 1627, hauing a seale.
[CB, 835]