Bill for Cloth Supplied to John Barantyne and Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Bill for Cloth Supplied to John Barantyne and Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/32
- Date
- 1478-1479
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 235; Kingsford, Vol II, item 235
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
The earlier items seem to be for Mary Barantyne (see No. 294), so that
Sir W. Stonor may have had some liability. "Peldelyon" (? peau de lion)
is clearly a trimming; "cham medly" is probably chamlet. The words
"your sone" must presumably mean Elizabeth Stonor's son John, who was
at this time a boy not more than ten years old. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 32.Md. Johanni Barantyne et Syr Wyllm. Stonor knyght plege Septembr.
ao xviijo r[egni] Regis Ed. iiijti.Item, v yerdes of tany the ffyrst day for yow and for my mastres, at
vj. s:— xxx. s.It., iij yerdes of Russet for my mastres, at vj. s:— xviij. s.
It., a yerd and quarter peldelyon for yow, dyt tyme, at iij. s. iij. d.:—
iiij. s.It, ij yerdes and quarter of bran1 medly for your meyny, dyt tyme,
at iij. s:— vj. s. ix.d.It., ij yerdes and quarter of pwyke delyveryd to Syr. Wyllm. Staveley
at v. s. iiij. d.:— xij. s.It., a yerd of cham medly for a chyld of yours at iij. s.
To be paid at Allhaloutyd nexste commyng: summa totalis iij. li.
xiij. s. ix. d.Syr Wyllm. Stonor. knyght, Dessember ao r[egni] xviij Regis E. iiij.
It., iij yerdes and quarter of Russet for your Maystershepe and for
your sone the iijd day the yerd vij. s. vj. d.:— xxiiij. iiij d. ob.It., iij yerdes of murrey þat Wyllm. Harbar haad þe xxiij day May
ao xix., at vj. s. viij. d.:— xx. s.Summa xliiij. s. iiij d. ob.
1 Brown.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The earlier items seem to be for Mary Barantyne (see No. 294), so that
Sir W. Stonor may have had some liability. “Peldelyon” (? peau de lion)
is clearly a trimming; “cham medly” is probably chamlet. The words
“your sone” must presumably mean Elizabeth Stonor’s son John, who was
at this time a boy not more than ten years old. From Ch. Misc., 37, iv, 32.Md. Johanni Barantyne et Syr Wyllm. Stonor knyght plege Septembr.
ao xviijo r[egni] Regis Ed. iiijti.Item, v yerdes of tany the ffyrst day for yow and for my mastres, at
vj. s:— xxx. s.It., iij yerdes of Russet for my mastres, at vj. s:— xviij. s.
It., a yerd and quarter peldelyon for yow, dyt tyme, at iij. s. iij. d.:—
iiij. s.It., ij yerdes and quarter of bran1 medly for your meyny, dyt tyme,
at iij. s:— vj. s. ix. d.It., ij yerdes and quarter of pwyke delyveryd to Syr. Wyllm. Staveley
at v. s. iiij. d.:— xij. s.It., a yerd of cham medly for a chyld of yours at iij. s.
To be paid at Allhaloutyd nexste commyng: summa totalis iij. li.
xiij. s. ix. d.Syr Wyllm. Stonor. knyght, Dessember ao r[egni] xviij Regis E. iiij.
It., iij yerdes and quarter of Russet for your Maystershepe and for
your sone the iijd day the yerd vij. s. vj. d.:— xxiiij. iiij d. ob.It., iij yerdes of murrey þat Wyllm. Harbar haad þe xxiij day May
ao xix., at vj. s. viij. d.:— xx. s.Summa xliiij. s. iiij d. ob.
1 Brown.