To my mestresse, Margaret Paston, by thys letter delivered.
PLEASE your good mastreschep to have knowlage that as thys day was Master Stevyn of Norwich at Caster, and ther he told me he was yesterday at Hoxhon with the Byschop of Norwych; and ther he seythe that ther is gret labor mad be Master Phylyp7 and be the baly of Cossey; in
so moche ther is mad a comission on to Master John Salet and Master Robert Ipyswell for an inquerry that the parson1 that my master2 mad last at Drayton ys deed, as they sey, and in so moche they purpose to put in the parson of Felthorp, as he hard sey, for the Duk of Suffolk. And thes he thynkyth it were a gret urt to my master tytyll. And also another inquerry howe [who] ys patorne of the seyd chyrche; and thys is leke to come in revelicion but yf [unless] ther be gret labore mad to morowe be tymys and that ye have a man at Hoxhon in all hast for a newe comicion; and in that commysion Master Stevyn wold that ye shuld have Master Jon Salet, Master Symond Thornaham, Master Nicholl Stanton. And that it be mad be the avice of Master Jon Bulman; for he told Master Stevyn he wold do for you that he may, in so moche Master Stevyn hathe promyssyd hym a nobyll; and so the seyd Master Stevyn wold ye shuld send hym a letter and late hym have knolage that Master Stevyn shall reward hym that he shall hold hym pleasyd.
Item, a told me that a sent a letter to Sir William Maryys of all this mater yesterday, weder ye have er not he can not sey, but in noo wyse that ye dyskure not Master Stevyn, for he wold not for an Cli. that it ware knowe that ye knewe ther of by hym, for he seythe gold gothe gret plenty at Hoxhon on ther part. And yf it be labord be tymys it may be remevyd to Caunterbury. Also yet it is good to send to Norwich to the seyd Sir William for the letter ar the massanger goth, &c.
6 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter was probably written about or before the beginning of September 1465, as the proceedings of Salet and Ipyswell on the commission of inquiry here referred to are alluded to in a letter of Margaret Paston to her husband on the 27th of that month.
7 Doubtless Philip
1 This must be John Flowerdew, presented by John Paston and Thomas Howes in 1461.
2 John Paston.