Annys Wydeslade to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Annys Wydeslade to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/222
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 262; Kingsford, Vol II, item 262
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[early in 1480]
Annys or Agnes Wydeslade, daughter of John Wynnard of Wolveston,
Cornwall, and of Hatherleigh, Devon, and widow of John Wydeslade, the
younger, was Stonor's second wife. John Wynnard died in 1468, having ap-
pointed Richard Wydeslade as one of his executors and trustee for his daughter.
John Wydeslade, the younger, was apparently a son of Richard, who seems
to have been alive at the date of this letter (see Wynnard's will, P.C.C., 25
Godyn, and Early Chancery Proceedings, 10/257, date 1467 to 1472). Since
Elizabeth Stonor died about the end of 1479, and Agnes was married before
May, 1480, this letter must have been written early in the latter year. From
AC., xlvi, 222.Right worshipfull Maister, y hertly comaund me unto you with alle
suche servise as y can or may: thonking you of youre kyndnesse shewed
unto me, so pore a woman as y am, and unto your Maystershyp own-
deserved: desyring to hire of youre welfare, the which y pray alle mighty
Godde to preserve you to youre most pleasure and hertis desire. Please
you to have enknowuliche of my power welfare; at the making of this
my letter y was in gode hele, and y trust in God within short space to
be beter: for now y am at my liberte, wherof I thanke you, in my own
hous at Exeter. The ffesisicion wolle do his cunnyng uppon me, but
undertake me he wol not, nor never did noon in his liff. Cumfort in
hym I fynde, and in my mynde y thinke he wolle do me gode. Further-
more the deling of my ffader in law39 ye shal have enknowliche by a bille,
which Thomas Mathu shal deliver you. A very yeynd1 betwyn hym and
me wolle not be had into the tyme of youre comyng, which y trust wolle
not be longe. Me thinkith a M. yere gon that y hurd any tidinges fro
you. And in gode feith ye may sey unto me that y am own-kynde that
y wrote nor send unto you synnes youre last being at Wideslade. The
cause is, for myn excuse is y have be in helle, where y had litel cumfort,
but as sone as y cam to Exeter then was y yn heven: and be cause that
y am now in joy y do send you this letter. Maister, hit is so that the
ffesicion is in hondes with me, and he desirith to have me in cure iij
monythis, for which cause I pray you remember your Worship and my
poor Queste. And as y amend y shal put you in knowlich by the grace
of Jhesu, who kepe you.ffrom your tru lover Annys Wydeslade.
To his right worshipfull Maister Syr William Stonore, Knyght, be
this delivered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[early in 1480]
Annys or Agnes Wydeslade, daughter of John Wynnard of Wolveston,
Cornwall, and of Hatherleigh, Devon, and widow of John Wydeslade, the
younger, was Stonor’s second wife. John Wynnard died in 1468, having ap-
pointed Richard Wydeslade as one of his executors and trustee for his daughter.
John Wydeslade, the younger, was apparently a son of Richard, who seems
to have been alive at the date of this letter (see Wynnard’s will, P.C.C., 25
Godyn, and Early Chancery Proceedings, 10/257, date 1467 to 1472). Since
Elizabeth Stonor died about the end of 1479, and Agnes was married before
May, 1480, this letter must have been written early in the latter year. From
A.C., xlvi, 222.Right worshipfull Maister, y hertly comaund me unto you with alle
suche servise as y can or may: thonking you of youre kyndnesse shewed
unto me, so pore a woman as y am, and unto your Maystershyp own-
deserved: desyring to hire of youre welfare, the which y pray alle mighty
Godde to preserve you to youre most pleasure and hertis desire. Please
you to have enknowliche of my power welfare: at the making of this
my letter y was in gode hele, and y trust in God within short space to
be beter: for now y am at my liberte, wherof I thanke you, in my own
hous at Exeter. The ffesisicion wolle do his cunnyng uppon me, but
undertake me he wol not, nor never did noon in his liff. Cumfort in
hym I fynde, and in my mynde y thinke he wolle do me gode. Further-
more the deling of my ffader in law ye shal have enknowliche by a bille,
which Thomas Mathu shal deliver you. A very yeynd1 betwyn hym and
me wolle not be had into the tyme of youre comyng, which y trust wolle
not be longe. Me thinkith a M. yere gon that y hurd any tidinges fro
you. And in gode feith ye may sey unto me that y am own-kynde that
y wrote nor send unto you synnes youre last being at Wideslade. The
cause is, for myn excuse is y have be in helle, where y had litel cumfort,
but as sone as y cam to Exeter then was y yn heven: and be cause that
y am now in joy y do send you this letter. Maister, hit is so that the
ffesicion is in hondes with me, and he desirith to have me in cure iij
monythis, for which cause I pray you remember your Worship and my
poor Queste. And as y amend y shal put you in knowlich by the grace
of Jhesu, who kepe you.ffrom your tru lover Annys Wydeslade.
To his right worshipfull Maister Syr William Stonore, Knyght, be
this delivered.1 Sc. “end”.