[An Officer of Sir William Stonor] to Robert Warner of Watlington, co. Oxford
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- [An Officer of Sir William Stonor] to Robert Warner of Watlington, co. Oxford
- Reference
- SC 1/46/270
- Date
- 4 March [1478]
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 203; Kingsford, Vol II, item 203
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
TO ROBERT WARNER4 March [1478]
The letter is unsigned, but probably has reference to Warner's indebtedness
to Stonor, and is likely to be a little earlier than No. 205. In 1478, 4 March
was on a Wednesday, which suits this letter. As to Warner see further Nos.
20619 and 215. From AC. xlvi, 270.Trusty and welbeloved, I commaund me unto yow: mervayling gretly
that ye have decevyed me so ofte upon the promyse of your feyth andtrowth: for ye knowe well I-now as for the dewte that I askeyt schuld
a be payd at Myhelmas was twelmonth som of hit, and at Myhelmas
last was the remlent: and whan that I rode to Bristow afore Cristmas
ye wold a take me xl. s., and then I wold none take of yow: and that
tyme ye seyd I schuld R[eceive] hyt at Walingford all to gedders: and so
ye desevyd me at that tymes: and then ye promysid me fethfully that I
schuld a had hit at Candelmas last past: and so upon your promyse I
lete that passe tyll that tyme: and so ye desevyd me at that tyme too,
and made me to ryde to yow as I cam to Bristow ward ayen: and then
ye promysed me that I schuld have hyt, and so desevyd me: and at
last the charge of me and the auditers schal rest upon your selff, for
thay will make one of us pay therfore: for thay have so complayned
onto my lord ys counseyll, for the which I had lever a geven yow ij
tymes the valure there off: for whan that ye departid last, ye told me,
the which I am ryƷth sore for hit, that hit so happid, and if hit had
pleasyd God, the contrary: the which ye most thank God of all, for
that is none escuse to your promyse. And if that ye com not to me on
Monday at nyƷt next, I most com to yow on the Tuysday: for the case
requireth so, and therto I wold be riƷth loth, but I can no noder wyse
do at this tyme: and that will not be for your ease, nor for myne noder,
and therefore I pray yow com or send or that tyme in any wise. No
more to yow at þis tyme, but Jhesu have yow in his kepyng. Writen at
London the iiij day of Marche: and I wold not for xl. li. for to breke
the promyse that I have promysid upon your promyse.unsigned.
To Robert Warner off Watlyngton, thys letter Be delyvered in hast.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
The letter is unsigned, but probably has reference to Warner’s indebtedness
to Stonor, and is likely to be a little earlier than No. 205. In 1478, 4 March
was on a Wednesday, which suits this letter. As to Warner see further Nos.
206 and 215. From A.C. xlvi, 270.Trusty and welbeloved, I commaund me unto yow: mervayling gretly
that ye have decevyed me so ofte upon the promyse of your feyth and
trowth: for ye knowe well I-now as for the dewte that I askeyt schuld
a be payd at Myhelmas was twelmonth som of hit, and at Myhelmas
last was the remlent: and whan that I rode to Bristow afore Cristmas
ye wold a take me xl. s., and then I wold none take of yow: and that
tyme ye seyd I schuld R[eceive] hyt at Walingford all to gedders: and so
ye desevyd me at that tymes: and then ye promysid me fethfully that I
schuld a had hit at Candelmas last past: and so upon your promyse I
lete that passe tyll that tyme: and so ye desevyd me at that tyme too,
and made me to ryde to yow as I cam to Bristow ward ayen: and then
ye promysed me that I schuld have hyt, and so desevyd me: and at
last the charge of me and the auditers schal rest upon your selff, for
thay will make one of us pay therfore: for thay have so complayned
onto my lord ys counseyll, for the which I had lever a geven yow ij
tymes the valure there off: for whan that ye departid last, ye told me,
the which I am ryЗth sore for hit, that hit so happid, and if hit had
pleasyd God, the contrary: the which ye most thank God of all, for
that is none escuse to your promyse. And if that ye com not to me on
Monday at nyЗt next, I most com to yow on the Tuysday: for the case
requireth so, and therto I wold be riЗth loth, but I can no noder wyse
do at this tyme: and that will not be for your ease, nor for myne noder,
and therefore I pray yow com or send or that tyme in any wise. No
more to yow at þis tyme, but Jhesu have yow in his kepyng. Writen at
London the iiij day of Marche: and I wold not for xl. li. for to breke
the promyse that I have promysid upon your promyse.unsigned.
To Robert Warner off Watlyngton, thys letter Be delyvered in hast.