An Inventory of Plate
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- An Inventory of Plate
- Reference
- Add. 27451, ff. 4-10
- Date
- 1479
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol VI, item 968
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume VI'
In primis, a sallt with j. cover,
xx. unces di. & di. quart.
j. stumpe of a salte,
ij. unces & di.
j. flat salt with a squyrell,
j. unce iij. quarters.
iiij. Parys cuppis with a cover, with a
rose in the botom, weyeng,lvj. unces j. quarter.
ij. holowe disshes,
xxix. unces iij. quarter di.
j. chafre of silver,
ix. unces j. quarter.
xij. sylver spones, wereof my lady hath
one.j. lytil spone of Rippyngales,
j. quarter & di. quarter, j. d. ob.
qa. di.j. lityll spone for egges,
j. quarter & di. quarter ob.
j. prikettes nuper Howis,
ix. unces ij. d. weight,
j. preket nuper Howis,
viij. unces iij. quarters & di.
j. long sokett.
j. nother long soket.
vj. soketes, with branches to remeve.
iij. wherwilles to the same.
j. playne pees for potage, per estima-
cionem,xj. unces j. quarter.
j. playn pees nuper Frere Water,
iiij. unces j. quarter.
j. nother playn peece nuper Frere
Walter,iiij. unces di. quarter.
j. chaleis,
xv. unces & di. quarter.
ij. cruettes,
vij. unces iij. quarters.
a paxbred,2
iij. unces di. quarter j. d.
j. holowe barbore bason, bought of Colet.
j. standing pece couvered, bought of
Elingham.xv. unces & j. quarter.
iij. gilt spones.
j. spone for grene gynger, gilt,
j. unce j. quarter j. qa. & di.
j. gilte cup covered, wel shapen with
trayle, with j. knop with a kroune
enamelid,xxxiij. unces & di. & di. quarter.
j. nothir cupp standing covered, gilt, bell
shapen with trailles, with a playn knopp
not enamelid,xxiij. unces & j. quarter.
j. maser Sipton.
ij. masers.
iij. gilt spones.
j. gynger spone.
j. bag whiteleder, wherin is all this stuff
folowyng this lyne:———————
iij. girdels Staunton.
j. girdel upholdester.
Fawcon Skern coppe.
Hans Eborlyn girdel.
Purs gold with Jane Aske harnes.
ij. lynen bagges lityll with broke silver
and j. old harneis gilt.Furst, a standing cuppe with a cover
therto plommed, weyengxxiiij. unces di.
Item, a standing coppe curid gilt, weyeng
xxxvj. unces.
Item, a nother standing cupp cuerid gilt,
weyingxv. unces iij. qa. & di.
Item, a goblette of silver and gilt covered
xiiij. unces j. quarter & di.
Item, a nother goblett gilt, weyeng
xij. unc’ & j. d. weight.
Item, a nothir goblet gilt, weyeng
vij. unc’.
Item, a standing white pees with a cover
withoute a knoppe, weyengxxij. unces.
Item, a salt with a pale covered,
xiiij. unc’ j. quarter.
Item, a rounde salt covered,
xix. unc’ j. quarter di.
Item, a rounde salt uncovered,
viij. unces.
Item, a basonne of
xxxv. unc’ j. quarter.
Item, an ewer to the same of
xv. unc’ & di. quarter.
Item, an ewer,
xiiij. unc’ di. quarter.
Item, vj. silver sponys with square sharp
knoppes ofv. unces iij. quarter j. d. wight.
Item, spone for grene gynger of
iij. quarters & ij. d. wight.
Item, a grete gilt chalis with a patent
longing to the same, weyingxlij. unces j. quarter.
Item, a litil standing pece chacid plumtes,
with a kover to the same,x. unces j. quarter.
Item, a blak notte standing of silver and
gilt, with a kover to the same, weyingxviij. unc’.
Item, a grete maser with a prend in the
botom, and the armes of Seint Jorge,
weyingxv. unc’ j. quarter & di.
Item, a nother maser sownde in the botom
and a sengilbonde,viij. unc’ & j. quarter.
Item, a lytil maser with a foote, weying.
viij. unc’.
Item, a nother maser with a lytill foote,
weingviij. unc’.
Item, a nothir litill maser with an higher
foote, weyingx. unces & j. quarter.
Item, xxti spones on a bundell, weying
xvj. unc. j. quarter.
Item, vj. spones with acorns, weying
v. unc’ & di. quarter.
Item, a peyre bedes of corall with pater-
nostris of silver and gilt, and a knopp
of smale perle, weyingvj. unc’ j. quarter.
In primis, j. standing cuppe covered
playne with a rounde knoppe, weyengxxv. unces.
j. nodir cuppe of golde covered playne
with a chacid knoppe, weyingxxiij. unces iij. quarters.
j. layer of gold with a crokid spoute,
weyengxiij. unces iij. quarters.
j. nothir layer of golde, weyeng
xiij. unces j. quarter j. d.
j. chaleis of fyne golde in pecis broken,
xxiiij. unces.
j. coppe of golde covered, chacid with a
perle,xxj. unces.
j. salte covered with a berall gairneshid,
v. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir salt covered, garnyshed with
stones,v. unces iij. quarter.
j. par of gilt basouns covered, weyeng
viijxx. xix. unces & di.
j. salte gilte, weyeng
xxviij. unces di. quarter.
j. cover to the same, weyeng,
viij. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir salte gilte withoute a cover,
xxvij. unces iij. quarters.
j. standing pees gilte, with a cover Skern,
xxxvij. unces j. quarter.
j. nothir standing pees gilte with a cover,
A. P.xxj. unces di. & di. quarter.
j. flatte pees covered, gilt, A. P.
xviij. unces & di.
j. potte for grene gynger gilte,
x. unces & di. iiij. d. ob.
j. cover to the same, weying
j. unce & j. quarter.
j. stonding cuppe covered parcell gilt, Sir
Buk,xvj. unces & j. quarter.
j. salt covered parcell gilt, Sir Ric.’,
xij. unces & di.
j paxe parcell gilte, Staunton,
xiij. unces.
j. standing cuppe with a kever, parcell
gilt, Staunton,xix. unces & di.
j. goblett for Rynesh wyne covered,
xj. unces & di. quarter.
j. powder boxe,
vj. unces j. quarter di. quarter.
j. noder powder boxe,
viij. unces j. quarter.
j. candilstykke with a lous [loose] sokett
and j. preket, P,xvij. unces di. quarter.
ij. candilstikkes with ij. lous preketes,
Skern,xxxj. unces j. quarter di.
di. doss. [half a dozen] sylver spones,
Shipton,vj. unces di. & di. quarter.
di. doss. spones, Stanton,
vij. unces.
j. bason, P.
xlv. unces di.
j. bason, Sparke,
lx. unces.
j. bason, Sturmer, with a spoute,
xxxiiij. unces. j. quarter j. d. q.
j. bason, Sturmer, withoute a spoute,
xxxij. unces j. quarter di. quarter j.
d. qa.j. bason, Rous,
l. unces iij. quarters.
j. ewer, P.
xvj. unces & di. & di. quarter.
j. ewer, Sparke,
xx. unces.
j. ewer, Sturmer,
xiiij. unces j. quarter and di. quar-
ter qa.j. ewer, Sturmer,
xiiij. unces di. di. quarter j. d. ob.
qa.j. ewer, Rous,
xviij. unces.
j. pott, Hous,
lvij. unces.
j. pott, P.
xxviij. unces iij. quarter di. ij.
j. pott, S. . . . . lett,
xv. unces.
j. pott, Rous,
xxxv. unces.
j. pott, Spark,
xxvij. unces j. quarter.
j. flagon,
xxxix. unces.
j. layer,
ix. unces a quarter & di.
j. layer,
ix. unces j. quarter & ij. di.
vj. Parys cuppis with a cover, Skerne,
lxx. unces iij. quarters di.
j. grete boll pees, with a cover, Noris,
xl. unces j. quarter.
xxiij. disshis of sylver, Skerne,
xvijxx.vj. unces di.
iiij. chargeours,
vxx.x. unces.
xxvij. dishes,
xxxx.xj. unces di. & di. quarter.
xxiij. sawcers,
vjxx.xv. unces.
1 xij. flatt cuppis of silver, P. and
Staunton,vxx.v. unces iij. quarters.
1 iiij. coveres to the same, P. and
Staunton,xl. unces.
j. chargeour priour (?) water,
xlvj. unces j. quarter di.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This inventory was certainly drawn up after the
death of Agnes Paston, but how many years later it is impossible to say.2 A silver plate with a figure of the Crucifixion upon it given to be kissed at
Mass.1 These two entries are bracketed together in the MS., and ‘Shend bi Ley’ (?)
written in the margin.1479