An Arbitration between William Stonor and His Mother
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- An Arbitration between William Stonor and His Mother
- Reference
- C 47/37/6
- Date
- 28 November 1475
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 157; Kingsford, Vol I, item 157
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
After the death of Thomas Stonor, his executors, Jane Stonor, Thomas
Hampden and Thomas Ramsey, by deed indented granted to William Stonor
"all thing which to tham shuld apperteigne as executours," and William
Stonor took upon him the charge of performing the will "demandyng as well
the rentes of diverse landes and tenementes, as diverse goodes, catalles and
dueties, which perteigned to his said ffader". Controversies and variances
having grown between Jane Stonor and her son, the matters in dispute were
submitted to Richard Fowler, Humphrey Forster, and William Danvers, who
gave their award on 28 NOV., 1475. The document is much mutilated, and
a great part of the statement of claim by William Stonor is missing. After
reciting the circumstances under which the dispute had arisen, and stating
the claims made by the two parties, the arbitrators gave their award in the
terms printed below. This contains all that is of real interest save for those
points added in footnotes. From Ch. Misc., 37, vi.66Of all the which controversies variances and demaundes, and of all
o?er matieres dependyng betwix the said parties, the same parties have
compromitted tham self to abide the arbitrement of and upon þe
premisses; the surmises and allegeances of both the said parties by longe
and ripe deliberacion herde and understond by thassent and aggreement
of bothe the same parties, [we] arbitre, ordeigne, and deme þerupon in
maner and forme folowing: that is to wite that the said William shall
satisfie to his said Moder of the somme underwritten, that is to sey of
þe somme of lxxiiij. li. ij. s. v. d. by her expended for expences and costes
had aboute the burieng and enterement of his said ffader: and of þe
somme of xl. s. by her paied for þe probate of þe said testament: and
of the somme of xxxiij. s. by her paied to Robert Fuller for þe debtes
of his said ffader: and of the summe of v marcs by her paied for
thexpenses of her said cooexecutours: and that also the said William
shall suffre his said Moder to have þe ward and mariage of John Gatton
above rehersed,1 and all oþer landes in þe which the same Johane had
jointe astate with her said husbande for terme of her liff, which astate
the same William shall conferme to his said Moder for terme of her liff
oonly:1 and that also the said William shall fynde sufficient seurtie to
his said Moder and her coexecutors to performe the last wille of his
said ffader: and as to thembloyment above rehersed and expenses of
?e said William and his servauntes and also for thexpenses and wages
of servauntes and husbandrie aforesaid, and also all maner of debtes
due to þe said Thomas claymed by the said Johane, We arbitre, ordeyne,
and deme that for asmuche as after the decease of þe said Thomas the
said Johane and her servauntes, and þe said William, his brethren, and
servauntes, and the said servauntes in husbandrie have expended of þe
greynes, catalles, and stuff of houshold of þe said Thomas Stonour to
her not bequested nor yeven, therfore the said William shall have the
said embloyment and debtes towardes the performyng of þe wille of his
said ffader, and þe said William shall also bee discharged ayenst his said
Moder of all þe said expenses:2 and furthermore we arbitre, ordeigne,
and deme that the said William of þe sommes above rehersed, awarded
to bee paid to his said Moder, shall deducte in his own handes and
þerof abate þe sommes underwriten, that is to wite the somme of
xlvj. s. viij. d. of þe price of wolle of cxl. schepe by þe said Johane soo
sold as afore ys seyde,3 also the somme of vj. li. by her received of thissues
of þe Maner of Ryderfeld Pypperd over C. s. of þe same issues by
her receaved ? Dorchestre: also the somme of iiij. li. x. s. v. d. by
her received of þissues of þe Manor [of] Boroughescote: also of þe
somme of iiij. li. x. s. by her received of þissues of Burt[on and]
Condycote: also of þe somme of x. li. vj. s. viij. d. by her received
of thissues of P[enyton] Meysy: all the which issues were due to her
said husband and paiable at þe fest [of the] Annunciacion of our lady
last passed before his deceasse out of þe said Manors in þe which the
said Johane had noo jointe astate: also the said William shall deducte
in his owne handes the somme of x. marcs by þe said Johane received
of arrerages due to her said husband at þe ffest of Michelmas last
passed before his deceasse: and as to þe somme of xxxviij. li. iij. s. iiij. d.
by þe said Johane received of thissues of oþer Manoirs paiable at þe
same ffest of Annunciacion the said William shall noo thing therof
deducte, but þe same Johane shall have and retaign to her owne use the
said somme of xxxviij. li. iij. s. iiij. d. for asmuch as in þe said Manoirs
of þe which the said somme was received the said Johane had jointe
astate with her said husband: also the same Johane before the ffest of
Cristmas next comyng shall delivere to þe said William the basen, ewer,
and two pottes of silver above rehersed:1 also the said Johane shall have
thoccupacion of þe Sawter2 above rehersed during her liff, and after
deceasse shall leve the same Sawter to þe said William Stonore to thuse
of þe Chapell in þe Manoir of Stonore forevermore: also before the
said ffest of Ester the said Johane shall deliver to þe said William the
blak boke,3 and the obligacion of Makeney4 above rehersed, and fynde
sufficient seurtie to þe same William that the said Johane and her said
coexecutours shall mainteigne all maner of accions to bee taken by
thadvyse of þe said William for any matere touching the testament of
þe said Thomas.5 Also we arbitre, ordeigne and deme that eiþer of þe
said parties be quite and discharged ayenst other of all oþer matieres
dependyng betwene theym before the day of þis present arbitrement.
In witnesse wherof as well the said parties as we þe said arbitrours to
every part of þis writing endented have set oure seale the xxviij day of
Novemb. the xvth yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the iiijth.1 Jane Stonor claimed this wardship "wherof her said husband was possessed".
1 She also claimed: "to have for terme of her lyfe, by the wylle of her seyd
husband, certain lande purchased by her said husbande in Horton to þe yerely value
of xx. s., also to have seurtie of þe said William for þe full performyng of þe last
wille of his said ffader". See Thomas Stonor's Will, No. 137.2 Jane Stonor claimed: "to be satisfied for thexpenses of þe said William
Stonore and of his servauntes at diverses tymes coming to þe said Johane, and for
thexpenses and wages of servauntes of husbandrie at Stonor payd by her sethen
the decesse of her seyd husband: also to have the embloyment of þe lande of her
said husband sowen the tyme of his deceasse". William's claim included allowance
"for greynes and catalles expended by þe said Johane after pe deceasse of her said
husband".3 William Stonor claimed: "to be satisfied of xlvj. s. viij. d. of þe price of the
wolle of cxl. shepe, late of þe said Thomas Stonor, his ffader, by þe said Johane
sold: also of þe somme of . . . by þ e said Johane received of thissues of þe . . .
tenementes underwriten". The claim is very imperfect, and only the item "of
?e Manoir of Ryderfeld Pyperd xj. li." now appears.1 This part of William's claim is missing.
2 William claimed: "a sawter now in þe kepyng of þe said Johane, perteignyng
to þe Chapell of Stonore".3 "A blak boke conteigning thaccomptes and debtes due to be said Thomas
Stonor."4 "An obligacion of Makeney of þe somme of xl. li. made to the said Thomas
wherof xx. ii. is yet due." As to this see note on No. 190.5 As claimed by William.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
After the death of Thomas Stonor, his executors, Jane Stonor, Thomas
Hampden and Thomas Ramsey, by deed indented granted to William Stonor
“all thing which to tham shuld apperteigne as executours,” and William
Stonor took upon him the charge of performing the will “demandyng as well
the rentes of diverse landes and tenementes, as diverse goodes, catalles and
dueties, which perteigned to his said ffader”. Controversies and variances
having grown between Jane Stonor and her son, the matters in dispute were
submitted to Richard Fowler, Humphrey Forster, and William Danvers, who
gave their award on 28 Nov., 1475. The document is much mutilated, and
a great part of the statement of claim by William Stonor is missing. After
reciting the circumstances under which the dispute had arisen, and stating
the claims made by the two parties, the arbitrators gave their award in the
terms printed below. This contains all that is of real interest save for those
points added in footnotes. From Ch. Misc., 37, vi.Of all the which controversies variances and demaundes, and of all
oþer matieres dependyng betwix the said parties, the same parties have
compromitted tham self to abide the arbitrement of and upon þe
premisses; the surmises and allegeances of both the said parties by longe
and ripe deliberacion herde and understond by thassent and aggreement
of bothe the same parties, [we] arbitre, ordeigne, and deme þerupon in
maner and forme folowing: that is to wite that the said William shall
satisfie to his said Moder of the somme underwritten, that is to sey of
þe somme of lxxiiij. li. ij. s. v. d. by her expended for expences and costes
had aboute the burieng and enterement of his said ffader: and of þe
somme of xl. s. by her paied for þe probate of þe said testament: and
of the somme of xxxiij. s. by her paied to Robert Fuller for þe debtes
of his said ffader: and of the summe of v marcs by her paied for
thexpenses of her said cooexecutours: and that also the said William
shall suffre his said Moder to have þe ward and mariage of John Gatton
above rehersed,1 and all oþer landes in þe which the same Johane had
jointe astate with her said husbande for terme of her liff, which astate
the same William shall conferme to his said Moder for terme of her liff
oonly:1 and that also the said William shall fynde sufficient seurtie to
his said Moder and her coexecutors to performe the last wille of his
said ffader: and as to thembloyment above rehersed and expenses of
e said William and his servauntes and also for thexpenses and wages
of servauntes and husbandrie aforesaid, and also all maner of debtes
due to e said Thomas claymed by the said Johane, We arbitre, ordeyne,
and deme that for asmuche as after the decease of e said Thomas the
said Johane and her servauntes, and e said William, his brethren, and
servauntes, and the said servauntes in husbandrie have expended of e
greynes, catalles, and stuff of houshold of e said Thomas Stonour to
her not bequested nor yeven, therfore the said William shall have the
said embloyment and debtes towardes the performyng of e wille of his
said ffader, and e said William shall also bee discharged ayenst his said
Moder of all e said expenses:2 and furthermore we arbitre, ordeigne,
and deme that the said William of e sommes above rehersed, awarded
to bee paid to his said Moder, shall deducte in his own handes and
erof abate e sommes underwriten, that is to wite the somme of
xlvj. s. viij. d. of e price of wolle of cxl. schepe by e said Johane soo
sold as afore ys seyde,3 also the somme of vj. li. by her received of thissues
of e Maner of Ryderfeld Pypperd over C. s. of e same issues by
her receaved . . . Dorchestre: also the somme of iiij. li. x. s. v. d. by
her received of issues of e Manor [of] Boroughescote : also of e
somme of iiij. li. x. s. by her received of issues of Burt[on and]
Condycote: also of e somme of x. li. vj. s. viij. d. by her received
of thissues of P[enyton] Meysy: all the which issues were due to her
said husband and paiable at e fest [of the] Annunciacion of our lady
last passed before his deceasse out of þe said Manors in þe which the
said Johane had noo jointe astate: also the said William shall deducte
in his owne handes the somme of x. marcs by þe said Johane received
of arrerages due to her said husband at þe ffest of Michelmas last
passed before his deceasse: and as to þe somme of xxxviij. li. iij. s. iiij. d.
by þe said Johane received of thissues of oþer Manoirs paiable at þe
same ffest of Annunciacion the said William shall noo thing therof
deducte, but þe same Johane shall have and retaign to her owne use the
said somme of xxxviij. li. iij. s. iiij. d. for asmuch as in þe said Manoirs
of þe which the said somme was received the said Johane had jointe
astate with her said husband: also the same Johane before the ffest of
Cristmas next comyng shall delivere to þe said William the basen, ewer,
and two pottes of silver above rehersed:1 also the said Johane shall have
thoccupacion of þe Sawter2 above rehersed during her liff, and after
deceasse shall leve the same Sawter to þe said William Stonore to thuse
of þe Chapell in þe Manoir of Stonore forevermore: also before the
said ffest of Ester the said Johane shall deliver to þe said William the
blak boke,3 and the obligacion of Makeney4 above rehersed, and fynde
sufficient seurtie to þe same William that the said Johane and her said
coexecutours shall mainteigne all maner of accions to bee taken by
thadvyse of þe said William for any matere touching the testament of
þe said Thomas.5 Also we arbitre, ordeigne and deme that eiþer of þe
said parties be quite and discharged ayenst other of all oþer matieres
dependyng betwene theym before the day of þis present arbitrement.
In witnesse wherof as well the said parties as we þe said arbitrours to
every part of þis writing endented have set oure seale the xxviij day of
Novemb. the xvth yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the iiijth.1 Jane Stonor claimed this wardship “wherof her said husband was possessed”.
1 She also claimed: “to have for terme of her lyfe, by the wylle of her seyd
husband, certain lande purchased by her said husbande in Horton to þe yerely value
of xx. s., also to have seurtie of þe said William for þe full performyng of þe last
wille of his said ffader”. See Thomas Stonor’s Will, No. 137.2Jane Stonor claimed: “to be satisfied for thexpenses of þe said William
Stonore and of his servauntes at diverses tymes coming to þe said Johane, and for
thexpenses and wages of servauntes of husbandrie at Stonor payd by her sethen
the decesse of her seyd husband: also to have the embloyment of þe lande of her
said husband sowen the tyme of his deceasse”. William’s claim included allowance
“for greynes and catalles expended by þe said Johane after þe deceasse of her said
husband”.3 William Stonor claimed: “to be satisfied of xlvj. s. viij. d. of þe price of the
wolle of cxl. shepe, late of þe said Thomas Stonor, his ffader, by þe said Johane
sold: also of þe somme of . . . by þe said Johane received of thissues of þe . . .
tenementes underwriten”. The claim is very imperfect, and only the item “of
þe Manoir of Ryderfeld Pyperd xj. li.” now appears.1 This part of William’s claim is missing.
2 William claimed: “a sawter now in þe kepyng of þe said Johane, perteignyng
to þe Chapell of Stonore”.3 “A blak boke conteigning thaccomptes and debtes due to þe said Thomas
Stonor.”4 “An obligacion of Makeney of þe somme of xl. li. made to the said Thomas,
wherof xx. li. is yet due.” As to this see note on No. 190.5 As claimed by William.