Agnes Paston
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Agnes Paston
- Reference
- Add. 43491, f. 3
- Date
- 28 January 1458
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol III, item 362; Fenn, Vol I, Henry VI item 35
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (1st transcript)
Erands to London of Augnes Paston the xxviij day of Jenur’
the yer of Kyng Henry the Sext xxxvj.TO prey Grenefeld to send me feythfully word by Wrytyn
who Clemēt Paston hath do his dever ī lernyng.
And if he hathe nought do well nor wyll nought amendprey hym that he wyll trewly belassch hym tyl he wyll amend,
and so ded the last maystr and ye best that eu’ he had art
Caumbrege.And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take up on hym to brynge
hym in to good Rewyll and Lernyng that I may verily know
he doth hys dever I wyll geve hym x m’rs for hys labor, for
I had leu’ he wer fayr beryed than lost for defaute.It’m to se who many Gownys Clemēt hath.
And the that be bar late hem be reysyd.
He hathe achort grene Gowne.
And achort musterdevelers Gowne wer neu’ reysyd.
And achort blew Gowne yt was reysyd and mad of a syde
Gowne whan I was last at London.And asyde Russet Gowne furryd wt bevyr was mad this tyme
ij yer.And asyde murry Gowne was mad this tyme twelmoneth.
It’m to do make me vj Sponys of viij oūce of troy wyght
well facyond and dubbyl gylt.And sey Elyzabt’ Paston that she must use hyr selfe to werke
redyly as other Jentylwomen don’ and su’what to helpe hyr
selfe ther wt.Itm to pay the Lady Pole .. . xxvjs viijd for hyr bord.
And if Grenefeld have do wel hys dever to Clemēt or wyll do
hys dever geffe hym ye Nobyll.Agnes Paston.
5 ½ by 10 ¾.
From these Memoranda we may collect that her Son Clement Paston, who was born in
1442, had already been at Cambridge, where he had been negligent of his Learning,
and where he had been properly corrected.He was now under the tuition of a Mr. Greenfield, in London, to whom his Mother
herein delegates proper authority to correct him, with a reward in hand and the promise
of a greater if he shall be successful.Clement’s wardrobe seems well furnished with Gowns. Elizabeth Paston, her Daughter,
was at this time between 20 and 30 years old, and seems to be brought up in the family
of Lady Pole, where, though she paid for her board, she was employed in needle works of
various kinds.This Lady Pole was most probably the Daughter, or wise of a Son, of Michael de la
Pole, Earl of Suffolk, the father of William Duke of Suffolk.1 Autograph. Pl. RI. No 19.
- Transcript from John Fenn, 'Original Letters, written during the reigns of Henry VI., Edward IV., and Richard III…. Volume I' (2nd transcript)
Errands to London of Agnes Paston, the 28th day of January,
1457, the year of King Henry VI. the 36th.TO pray Greenfield to send me faithfully word by writing,
how Clement Paston hath done his endeavour in Learning.
And if he hath not done well, nor will not amend, pray himthat he will truly belash (whip) him, till he will amend; and so
did the last Master, and the best that ever he had at Cambridge.And say (tell) Greenfield, that if he will take upon him to
bring him into good Rule and Learning, that I may verily know
he doth his endeavour, I will give him 10 Marks (61. 13s. 4d.)
for his labour, for I had lever (rather) he were fairly buried
than lost for default.Item, to see how many Gowns Clement hath, and they that
be bare, let them be raised (short, let them be lengthened.)He hath a short green Gown.
And a short musterdevelers Gown, (which) were never raised.
And a short blue Gown, that was raised, and made of a side
Gown, when I was last at London.And a side Russet Gown furred with beaver was made this
time two years.And a side Murrey Gown was made this time twelvemonth.
Item, to do make me (get made for me) six Spoons of eight
ounces of troy weight, well fashioned and double gilt.And say (tell) Elizabeth Paston that she must use herself
to work readily, as other Gentlewomen do, and somewhat to
help herself therewith.Item, to pay the Lady Pole 26s. and 8d. for her board.
And if Greenfield have done well his endeavour to Clement,
or will do his endeavour, give him the noble, (6s. 8d.)AGNES PASTON.
5 ½ by 10 ¾.
From these Memoranda we may collect that her Son Clement Paston, who was born in
1442, had already been at Cambridge, where he had been negligent of his Learning,
and where he had been properly corrected.He was now under the tuition of a Mr. Greenfield, in London, to whom his Mother
herein delegates proper authority to correct him, with a reward in hand and the promise
of a greater if he shall be successful.Clement’s wardrobe seems well furnished with Gowns. Elizabeth Paston, her Daughter,
was at this time between 20 and 30 years old, and seems to be brought up in the family
of Lady Pole, where, though she paid for her board, she was employed in needle works of
various kinds.This Lady Pole was most probably the Daughter, or wise of a Son, of Michael de la
Pole, Earl of Suffolk, the father of William Duke of Suffolk.1 Autograph. Pl. RI. No 19.
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume III'
Erands to London of Augnes Paston, the xxviij. day of
Jenure, the yer of Kyng Henry the Sext, xxxvj.TO prey Grenefeld to send me feythfully word, by wrytyn,
who Clement Paston hath do his dever in lernyng.
And if he hathe nought do well, nor wyll nought
amend, prey hym that he wyll trewly belassch hym, tyl he wyll
amend; and so ded the last maystr, and the best that ever he
had, att Caumbrege. And sey Grenefeld that if he wyll take
up on hym to brynge hym in to good rewyll and lernyng, that
I may verily know he doth hys dever, I wyll geve hym x.
marcs for hys labor, for I had lever he wer fayr beryed than
lost for defaute.Item, to se who many gownys Clement hathe; and the
that be bar, late hem be reysyd. He hathe achort [a short]
grene gowne, and achort musterdevelers2 gowne, wer never
reysyd; and achort blew gowne that was reysyd, and mad of a
syde gowne, whan I was last at London; and asyde russet
gowne, furryd with bevyr, was mad this tyme ij. yer; and
asyde murry gowne was mad this tyme twelmonth.Item, to do make me vj. sponys, of viij. ounce of troy
wyght, well facyond and dubbyl gylt.And sey Elyzabet Paston that she must use hyr selfe to
werke redyly, as other jentylwomen done, and sumwhat to
helpe hyr selfe ther with.Item, to pay the Lady Pole . . . xxvjs. viijd. for hyr
bord.And if Grenefeld have do wel hys dever to Clement, or
wyll do hys dever, geffe hym the nobyll.AGNES PASTON.
1 [From Fenn, i. 142.] 2 See vol. ii. p. 155, Note 1.
JAN. 28