To John Paston, at London, be this delyverd in hast.
I grete you welle, and lete you wete that this day Berth’ Elys of Paston come to Norwych to me, and shewet me a rentall for the terme of Seynt Mich., the yer of Kyng H. vj. xxxixo; and in the ende of the seyd rentall, of Waryn Kynges hand is wretyn ‘Agnes Paston vijd. ob. [7½d.]. Item, the same Agnes for v. acre lond xxd.’ Item, Aleyn Bayfeld askyth the same rent for the yer last past at Mich. Item, I have knowlech be a trew man that whan Sharpe the reseyvor was at Gemyngham last, Waryn Herman was dyvers dayes with hym, and put hym in mynde that the mercyment for makynge of the walle chuld be askyd ageyn and be distreynyd ther for. Item, I sent you be Doctor Aleyns man the restew [residue] of Waryn Herman, and seche names as Cullynge and Sammys putt in of her owyn fre wylle befor John Northales, shereve of Norwyche,2 under her selis. God be with you and send you His blyssyng and myn. Wretyn at Norwych the Tuisday next after Seynt Andrew.
Item, the seyd Berth’ Elis seyth that the seyd reseyver wold not alowe the rent in Trunche nor the mercyments for my sute to the curt. Gonnor wold suffyr no man to answer for me.
Be your moder, AGNES PASTON.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The year in which this letter was written is deter- mined by the mention of John Northale as Sheriff of Norwich.
2 He was Sheriff of Norwich in the first year of Edward IV.