Accounts by Nicholas Wendover
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Accounts by Nicholas Wendover
- Reference
- C 47/37/3/24
- Date
- 1468-1472
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 93; Kingsford, Vol I, item 93
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Wendover may possibly have been in the service of Thomas Stonor. The
account is on a single sheet of paper folded bookwise, and contains entries
made at various dates. The first is the most interesting as a year's account
with a servant. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 24.Md. That Thomas Pratt hath made comenant to serve Nicholas
Wendover fro Michaell masse the yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the
iiijthe the viij yere by a whole yere, takyng for his labur xiij. s. iiij. d.,
and a goune cloth: and therof he hath receyved in price of half a bote
lether vij. d., also of my wyff iiij. d.; also in price of a peyre hosyn, ix. d.;
also for a peyre shon vj. d.; also in money, j. d.; also to pay for cloutyng
of his shon j d.; for offering, j d.; to bie wyth a peyre shon, vj. d.; to
bye wyth a bowe xij. d.; also payed to Welyam Onyat for a peyre hosen,
ix. d.; also to Richard Taylour for makyng of his doubelett, vj. d.;
Item for a peyre of shon at Weteringes opon seynt Laurence eve, vj. d.;
Item, for an apron bought at Wycombe ij. d. ob.; payed in money wen
he went to Nettelbed viij. d.; also to paye fore his hosyn at Rysburgh
xvij. d., Item to make his botes viij. d.; Item to John James for mend-
yng of his doubelett j d. ob.; to bye wyth arowe hedes ij. d.; for drink-
yng money geve by our parson, ij. d.; Item payed to hymself to bye
wyth a peyre shon viij. d.; and payed for lether ij. d.; Item at his
departyng ij. s. Et ultra nunc1 debetur T. Pratt xvj. d. et pro servicio
suo a festo Michaelis usque festum.Another account is with Johane Laurence who served for a year from
St. Martin's Day, 1468, for 10s.. and "a gounecloth". She had in
money "for lynyng of her goune" 2s .8d., and "to goe to Richard
Tayler's weddyng iiij. d." with some other small sums.Other memoranda are of sale of stock, the last being: Delyverd to
John Ive at Astwyke the Monday nexte aftyr Seynte Barnabyes day the
xij yere off the Reyne off Kyng Edward the iiijth xlix olde shepe and
xxij lambys.1 The reading is doubtful, perhaps ultimo.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
Wendover may possibly have been in the service of Thomas Stonor. The
account is on a single sheet of paper folded bookwise, and contains entries
made at various dates. The first is the most interesting as a year’s account
with a servant. From Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 24.Md. That Thomas Pratt hath made comenant to serve Nicholas
Wendover fro Michaell masse the yere of the regne of Kyng Edward the
iiijthe the viij yere by a whole yere, takyng for his labur xiij. s. iiij. d.,
and a goune cloth: and therof he hath receyved in price of half a bote
lether vij. d., also of my wyff iiij. d.; also in price of a peyre hosyn, ix. d.;
also for a peyre shon vj. d.; also in money, j. d.; also to pay for cloutyng
of his shon j d.; for offering, j d.; to bie wyth a peyre shon, vj. d.; to
bye wyth a bowe xij. d.; also payed to Welyam Onyat for a peyre hosen,
ix. d.; also to Richard Taylour for makyng of his doubelett, vj. d.;
Item for a peyre of shon at Weteringes opon seynt Laurence eve, vj. d.;
Item, for an apron bought at Wycombe ij. d. ob.; payed in money wen
he went to Nettelbed viij. d.; also to paye fore his hosyn at Rysburgh
xvij. d.; Item to make his botes viij. d.; Item to John James for mend-
yng of his doubelett j d. ob.; to bye wyth arowe hedes ij. d.; for drink-
yng money geve by our parson, ij. d.; Item payed to hymself to bye
wyth a peyre shon viij. d.; and payed for lether ij. d.; Item at his
departyng ij. s. Et ultra nunc1 debetur T. Pratt xvj. d. et pro servicio
suo a festo Michaelis usque festum.Another account is with Johane Laurence who served for a year from
St. Martin’s Day, 1468, for 10s. and “a goune cloth”. She had in
money “for lynyng of her goune” 2s. 8d., and “to goe to Richard
Tayler’s weddyng iiij. d.” with some other small sums.Other memoranda are of sale of stock, the last being: Delyverd to
John Ive at Astwyke the Monday nexte aftyr Seynte Barnabyes day the
xij yere off the Reyne off Kyng Edward the iiijth xlix olde shepe and
xxij lambys.1 The reading is doubtful, perhaps ultimo.