Accounts at Horton Kirby, Kent
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Accounts at Horton Kirby, Kent
- Reference
- C 47/37/3/28-33
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 101; Kingsford, Vol I, item 101
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
There are eight papers of accounts rendered to Thomas Stonor between
20 October, 1469, and 19 October, 1471, besides two undated accounts. The
greater part of the fourth account is given below, together with extracts from
four other accounts. The three last accounts are for 14 April to 4 May,15 August to 29 Sept., and 29 Sept. to 19 October, 1471. For later
references to John Ford as farmer at Horton in 1472 and 1482, see Nos. 124
and 322. The originals are Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 28-33 and 37-43.(a) In expensis et costis don be John Forthe, servaunt with my
mayster Stoner fro the ffriday next after Sent Edward day, the ixthe 3ere
of Kyng Edward the iiij the.First in flessh and ffissh bought the next weke folwyng, ij. s. ij. d.
(Eleven other weeks.) Summa xxv. s. xj. d.Item, paid for a peyre of plough wheles ij. s. iiij. d. Item, paid to
my lord of Cauntterbury baly for quiet rent goyng oute of the maner of
Horton, ij. s. Item, paid to the Castell of Eynesforth for Kyrkebys,
ij. s. Item, paid to Baker, smyth, for iren work and shoyng, xx. s.
Item, for shoyng of xj oxen, iiij. s. vij. d. Item, paid to a thetcher
thetchyng on the berne be xiij dayes takyng a day iij. d., iij. s. iij. d.
Item, for a man to serve hem vij daies, xiiij. d. Summa, xxxv. s. iiij. d.Other payments: for men to plough, for candles (15d. the dozen), "a
potell of tarre iiij. d., for fettyng of Aunsell horse fro London, viij d."
&c. Total 39s. 9d.Whereof receyved of John Lyndesey for ferme of the corne mylle for
Mich, terme, xxxvj. s. viiij d. Item., rec. of the seid John fore Cristemas
terme, xxxiij. s. iiij. d. Item., rec. of the fermour of the ffullyng mylle,
iiij. s. iiij. d. Item of John Stonestrete, xj. d. ob. Item., of William
Custamice, v. s. Item, of Thomas Wylshire, vij. s. Item., of John
Miller of Pynden, ij. s. vj. d. Item, of William Alfold, ij. s. iiij. d.
Summa, iiij. li. xij. s. ob.(b) [1470. 13th Jan. to 2nd March.] A similar account. For flesh,
fish "and other acatys," 20s. Various other items: "ij dogges of Iren
for the corne mylle," 16d.;"for C and vj li. of Iren, iiij. s. v. d. for
the wharfage, j. d., for bringyng of the seid stuffe to Derteford, vj. d.";
"for ij bottys of Sak clothe," IIs. Total, ?5 2. 5. "Whereof I re–
ceyved of my Maister whan he was last at Horton, 1. s. Item, re. of
hym at London, xl. s. Item, re. for vj Stone of Wulle, x. s. Item., re.
of William Lyndesey for rent of Gillez, xxiiij s. iiij. d.". Further
account of expenses for repairs and labour, total, ?5. 8. 2½, with re–
ceipts ?6. 16. 0.(c) [1470. 20th May to 9th June.] Similar account: payments,
16s. IId. Other payments "to the sexteyne of the churche for Michel-
mas quarter, iij d.; to the clerke for his wagis of Crystmas and Ester
termys, ij. s."; "for sheryng of xijxx ix shepe xxij. d. and of viijxx lambis
and viij, vj d. ob." Total ,9s. 8d. Total receipts, 23s. 7d. "Re-
membyrd on Wytsun Eve in the xthe yere of Kyng Edward the iiijthe,
althyng rekynnyd as hit aperyth by viij billys bothe of the charge and
receyte betwene Thomas Stonore and John Forde, the seyde Thomas
ovyth to the seyde John xvij. s. iij. d. And the seyde Thomas payde
to the seyde John forthewith the seyde xvij. s. iij. d. the seyde day and
yer."(d) [1470. 7th July to 14th Dec] Similar account. Begins with
expenses for seven weeks from 7th July (?5 10. 5), and eight weeks
from the "fest of Sent. Barth the xth зere of Kyng Edward the iiijthe"
The reckoning was made "the ffriday afore the Imbryng dayys afore
Crystemas in the xlixte yere of Kyng Harry the vjte."(e) [1470. 15th Dec to 22nd Feb., 1471.] Similar account. "A
peyre of shoyn for Maister Edmund, vj. d." - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
There are eight papers of accounts rendered to Thomas Stonor between
20 October, 1469, and 19 October, 1471, besides two undated accounts. The
greater part of the fourth account is given below, together with extracts from
four other accounts. The three last accounts are for 14 April to 4 May,
15 August to 29 Sept., and 29 Sept. to 19 October, 1471. For later
references to John Ford as farmer at Horton in 1472 and 1482, see Nos. 124
and 322. The originals are Ch. Misc., 37, iii, 28-33 and 37-43.
(a) In expensis et costis don be John Forthe, servaunt with my
mayster Stoner fro the ffriday next after Sent Edward day, the ixthe Зere
of Kyng Edward the iiijthe.First in flessh and ffissh bought the next weke folwyng, ij. s. ij. d.
(Eleven other weeks.) Summa xxv. s. xj. d.Item, paid for a peyre of plough wheles ij. s. iiij. d. Item, paid to
my lord of Cauntterbury baly for quiet rent goyng oute of the maner of
Horton, ij. s. Item, paid to the Castell of Eynesforth for Kyrkebys,
ij. s. Item, paid to Baker, smyth, for iren work and shoyng, xx. s.
Item, for shoyng of xj oxen, iiij. s. vij. d. Item, paid to a thetcher
thetchyng on the berne be xiij dayes takyng a day iij. d., iij. s. iij. d.
Item, for a man to serve hem vij daies, xiiij. d. Summa, xxxv. s. iiij. d.Other payments: for men to plough, for candles (15d. the dozen), “a
potell of tarre iiij. d., for fettyng of Aunsell horse fro London, viij d.”
&c. Total 39s. 9d.Whereof receyved of John Lyndesey for ferme of the come mylle for
Mich. terme, xxxvj. s. viiij d. Item., rec. of the seid John fore Cristemas
terme, xxxiij. s. iiij. d. Item., rec. of the fermour of the ffullyng mylle,
iiij. s. iiij. d. Item of John Stonestrete, xj. d. ob. Item., of William
Custamice, v. s. Item, of Thomas Wylshire, vij. s. Item., of John
Miller of Pynden, ij. s. vj. d. Item, of William Alfold, ij. s. iiij. d.
Summa, iiij. li. xij. s. ob.(b) [1470. 13th Jan. to 2nd March.] A similar account. For flesh,
fish “and other acatys,” 20s. Various other items: “ij dogges of Iren
for the corne mylle,” 16d.; “for C and vj li. of Iren, iiij. s. v. d, for
the wharfage, j. d., for bringyng of the seid stuffe to Derteford, vj. d.”;
“for ij bottys of Sak clothe,” 11s. Total, £5. 2. 5. “Whereof I re-
ceyved of my Maister whan he was last at Horton, l. s. Item, re. of
hym at London, xl. s. Item, re. for vj Stone of Wulle, x. s. Item., re.
of William Lyndesey for rent of Gillez, xxiiij. s. iiij. d.”. Further
account of expenses for repairs and labour, total, £5.8. 2½, with re-
ceipts £6. 16. 0.(c) [1470. 20th May to 9th June.] Similar account: payments,
16s. 11d. Other payments “to the sexteyne of the churche for Michel-
mas quarter, iij d.; to the clerke for his wagis of Crystmas and Ester
termys, ij. s.”; “for sheryng of xijxx ix shepe xxij. d. and of viijxx lambis
and viij, vj d. ob.” Total, 9s. 8d. Total receipts, 23s. 7d. “Re-
membyrd on Wytsun Eve in the xthe yere of Kyng Edward the iiijthe,
althyng rekynnyd as hit aperyth by viij billys bothe of the charge and
receyte betwene Thomas Stonore and John Forde, the seyde Thomas
ovyth to the seyde John xvij. s. iij. d. And the seyde Thomas payde
to the seyde John forthewith the seyde xvij. s. iij. d. the seyde day and
yer.”(d) [1470. 7th July to 14th Dec.] Similar account. Begins with
expenses for seven weeks from 7th July (£5. 10. 5), and eight weeks
from the “fest of Sent. Barth the xth Зere of Kyng Edward the iiijthe.”
The reckoning was made “the ffriday afore the Imbryng dayys afore
Crystemas in the xlixte yere of Kyng Harry the vjte.”(e) [1470. 15th Dec. to 22nd Feb., 1471.] Similar account. “A
peyre of shoyn for Maister Edmund, vj. d.”