Accounts at Horton Kirby, Kent
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Accounts at Horton Kirby, Kent
- Reference
- C 47/37/3/26-27
- Date
- October 1468 - July 1469
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 96; Kingsford, Vol I, item 96
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
OCTOBER, 1468, to JULY, 1469
Household accounts, apparently kept by a son or son-in-law of Alice
Drayton (cf. the reference to "my brother Mull"). The date is from Alice
Drayton's death on 1 Oct., 1468, to Ascension Day, 1469—11 May, with a
supplementary account to 5 July. Thomas Stonor was at Horton from 17 to
24 June. The account is on two sheets of paper stitched together. Ch. Misc.,
37, iii, 26, 27.(1) A long slip: items include: for the showyng of xij oxyne, v. s.;
for a peyre of plowellys xiiij. d.; for a servys of Trenchers, iiij. d.; for
ij sake, xiiij. d.; for ij dossyne of candelle, xv. d.; for sflessche
(several entrtes, 18s. 7d. in all); for ij pygkys, viij. d. Total, iiij. li.
ij. s. j. d.(2) Items include: a shert for Richard, viij. d.; to peyre of shone,
xij. d.; for half a foote of cloutyng ledyr, iiij. d.; a playys, iij. d.;
saltefyhs, and saltesamon, vij. d.; iij quart. of resyn, x. s.; for the
shepherd v. s., for a carpenteris wagis for makyng of a cort a plovis,
for v dayys and a di.. xxij. d.; to Raulyn Clerke for the eryng of xij
akyrs londe in lityll Derrabut fyld, xij. s. iiij. d. Receyved of my
Mayster at iij tymes, iij. li. xv. s.; at a nothyr tyme at London, ix. s.;
Receyvyd of the korne mill for terme of the Annunciacion of oure lady
xxxvj. s. Viij. d.; of my Brother Mull, iij. li. vj. s. viij. d.; of Barrey, iij. li.;
of the Couper, vj. s.; of marke silver, v. s. x. d. Summa of the Receyte
viij. li. xiij. s. vj. d,1"This Rekenyng is from the dethe of my modyr unto the Assencion
day next folovyng by this bylle and a nothyr of the clerkys hande in a
longe bill.2 Summa x. li. xiij. s. vij. d.In dorso. Expenses for five weeks "after Assencion day, in catis"
(total 10s. 8d.); the vje weke while my mayster was there (total,
6s. 5d.); the vijthe weke (total 8s. 5d.); for midsummyr Candyll, iij. d.;
for wedyng in the whete, iij. s. j. d.; unto Richard mason for crosen-
pynnyng in the hey bern, xij. d.; with other items. Summa xlix. s. ij. d.Hereof received. (Rents, etc., and payments from my mayster, the
last being 20s. the Wednesday afore Seynt Thomas day.) Summa,
iij. li. xv. s. vj. d.1 Apparently some item has been omitted.
2 Clearly the first slip attached hereto.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
OCTOBER, 1468, to JULY, 1469
Household accounts, apparently kept by a son or son-in-law of Alice
Drayton (cf. the reference to “my brother Mull”). The date is from Alice
Drayton’s death on 1 Oct., 1468, to Ascension Day, 1469—11 May, with a
supplementary account to 5 July. Thomas Stonor was at Horton from 17 to
24 June. The account is on two sheets of paper stitched together. Ch. Misc.,
37, iii, 26, 27.(1) A long slip: items include: for the showyng of xij oxyne, v. s.;
for a peyre of plowellys xiiij. d.; for a servys of Trenchers, iiij. d.; for
ij salte, xiiij. d.; for ij dossyne of candelle, xv. d.; for fflessche
(several entries, 18s. 7d. in all); for ij pygkys, viij. d. Total, iiij. li.
ij. s. j. d.(2) Items include: a shert for Richard, viij. d.; to peyre of shone,
xij. d.; for half a foote of cloutyng ledyr, iiij. d.; a playys, iij. d.;
saltefyhs, and saltesamon, vij. d.; iij quart. of resyn, x. s.; for the
shepherd v. s.; for a carpenteris wagis for makyng of a cort a plovis,
for v dayys and a di., xxij. d.; to Raulyn Clerke for the eryng of xij
akyrs londe in lityll Derrabut fyld, xij. s. iiij. d. Receyved of my
Mayster at iij tymes, iij. li. xv. s.; at a nothyr tyme at London, ix. s.;
Receyvyd of the korne mill for terme of the Annunciacion of oure lady
xxxvj. s. viij. d.; of my Brother Mull, iij. li. vj. s. viij. d.; of Barrey, iij. li.;
of the Couper, vj. s.; of marke silver, v. s. x. d. Summa of the Receyte
viij. li. xiij. s. vj. d.1“This Rekenyng is from the dethe of my modyr unto the Assencion
day next folovyng by this bylle and a nothyr of the clerkys hande in a
longe bill.2 Summa x. li. xiij. s. vij. d.In dorso. Expenses for five weeks “after Assencion day, in catis”
(total 10s. 8d.); the vje weke while my mayster was there (total,
6s. 5d.); the vijthe weke (total 8s. 5d.); for midsummyr Candyll, iij. d;
for wedyng in the whete, iij. s. j. d.; unto Richard mason for crosen-
pynnyng in the hey bern, xij. d.; with other items. Summa xlix. s. ij. d.Hereof received. (Rents, etc., and payments from my mayster, the
last being 20s. the Wednesday afore Seynt Thomas day.) Summa,
iij. li. xv. s. vj. d.1 Apparently some item has been omitted.
2 Clearly the first slip attached hereto.