Account of William Rogers of receipts and payments on behalf of George Cely
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Account of William Rogers of receipts and payments on behalf of George Cely
- Reference
- C 47/37/10/33
- Date
- March-May 1488
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Malden, item 145
- Transcript from Henry Elliot Malden, 'The Cely Papers: Selections from the correspondence and memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the Staple, A.D. 1475-1488'
Jhesus Maria. Assit principio Sancta Maria meo
Here folowyng ar the parcels of receiptes and paymentes of
me William Roggers to the use of my maister George Cely mer-
chaunt of the Staple of Caleis in the monthes of March, April and
May in the yere of our Lord God Mlcccciiijxxviij the thrid yere of
the regne of King Henry the vijth that is to sey:First I receivid of my seid maister in dyvers cunys
as it apperith as well by a bill of my said maisters
owne hande as by my boke of parcelsxxixs jd fl.
Also I receyvid of my seid maistir iijs iiijd in ster-
lyng money for myn expensysvs fl.
Also I receyvid of my seid maister wtin the some
of xlli delyverd to me for hymself and my
maistir his brothir as parcell of the seid xlli by
his comaundement takyn to his owne usevjli fl.
Also I receivid of increce in the
chaunge of iij mylleyn grotes
and ij half grotes every grote
delyverd to me for ijs fl. foras-
much as I put theym awey in the
eschaunge of theym every pece for
ijs jd fl. more in all by ob. fl.iiijd ob. fl.
Also I receyvid of increce of iiij
Lymmyr grotes delyvered to me for
vd fl. every pece forasmuch as I
put theym awey every pece for
vjd fl iiijd fl.vijs ijd ob.
fl. & ijd of
moneyAlso I receivid of increce in xxxixs
ijd of flemyssh pens in every vijd
flemyssh ijd flemyssh vjs vjdijd of
huc viijli
xvd ob. ca
fl.Also I receyvid of John Speryng as in money
reteyned in his owne handes for part of the
price of vj boltes of Elrona canvas bought
of hym for a new seyle for the Margaret Cely
price of every pece xij frankes which is xls
fl. which money he shuld have delyverd to me
at the Bay that is to say, lxvjs viijd sterlyng
cs fl.Some of all the receiptes xiijli xvd ob. fl. & ijd of Brittayne
aboveseid is money WhereofLynyn cloth
I paid vjli xvijd qra fl. for ciiij aunys iij quarters
of Brittissh cloth bought at Bourgneuffb and
Mastooc in Brittayne price of every aune one
wt another wt costes xvjd fl abought bying of
the same in the bakside of this bille and by
my boke of parcels xiiijd di qra fl. more in all
by iijd qravjliijsixd qra fl.
Wollyn cloth
Also for valnes j quarter of Brittissh Russet bought
at Mastoo price of every alne vjs viijd of Brittayne
money more in all by jd ob. of Brittayne moneyvs xd fl.
A paryng shovill
Also for a paryng shovill of iron for gardyns
bought at Mastooiiijd fl.
Also for my dyner and drynkyng at Mastoo upon
Saturday the xth day of Mayixd ob. fl.
Lyng fyssh
Also paid to a man of Conketd for xv lynges price
of every pece vjd fl.vijs vjd fl.
Also for a pece of powdird fissh callid
iijd ob. fl.
Costes upon Marten Gye
Also paid for new makyng of a cote
and for the color & ventes of
the same for Marten Gye the
Brittissh child . . vd fl.Also for a new cappe iiijd, a payr
of shoys iiijd & laces ob. and for
shavyng ob. and wasshyng of
Martens shertes. . . . . . ixd ob. fl.xvijd ob. fl.
Also for his mete & drynke at
myn hostes hous at Bourgneuff
afoir he was araieda . . . . . . iiijd fl.Also paid for vj aunes iij quarters of lynyn
cloth in iij remenants bought at Conket
price of every aune vjd fliijs iiijd ob. fl.
Some of all the paymentes aboveseid is
vijli ijs iiijsiiijd qr.fl.
And so remayne due unto my seid maistre
fl. & ijd of Brittissh moneycxviijs xjd qra
WhereofRemanent ijli 18sijd qra et ijd Brittanie inde
liberantur cxiijs vijd fl. et remanent vs iiijd
qr. fl. et ijd BrittaniebMoney delyverd to the use of the Margaret Cely
I delyverd to the use and freight of the Margaret
Cely of my maisters owne money remaynyng in
my handes upon this accompt wherwith I am
chargid in myn accompt of the viage of the
seid ship callid the Margaret Cely as it playnly
apperith by the same accomptcxiijs vijd fl.
vjli xviijs
xja ob. qra.bMoney remaynyng in my handes clerely upon this accompt
And so remayne clerely in myn owne
handes of the seid xiijli xvd ob. fl. &
ijd of Brittissh money of my hole
charge althynges above specified
allowed to mevs iiijd qra fl. & ijd of
Brittissh money I the
seid William Roggers
have delyverd to my
seid maister (Que non-
dum liberatur summa
&c.) upon the day
ofRemanent in loculo meo
iiij grotes of viijd fl. the pece ijs viijd
iiij flemyssh pens iiijd
A pece of silver delyverd to me for
A pece of Brittayne money of ijd britañiijs iiijd
fl. & ijd of
money.In all vs iiijd
qra fl. & ijd
of Brittissh
moneyIn sterlyng money, xvjd qra
ijs qra fl.
On the Dorse:
Lynyn cloth bought by William Roggers
First a remenant of lynyn
cloth conteynyng xiij ellys
& a half.Item ij remenantes of lynyn
cloth conteynyng xxj aunes
& a halfIn all xxxv aunes,
price of every aune
xvd fl.xliijs ixd fl.
Item ij remenantes of lynyn conteynyng
xxviij aunys iij quarters, price of every
aune xiijd fl. & ijd of Brittissh money.xxxiiijs iiijd fl.
Item a remenant of lynyn
cloth of xv aunysItem a remenant of lynyn
cloth of xij aunysItem a remenant of lynyn
cloth of ix aunys iij quartersIn all xxxvj aunys
iij quarters, price of
every aune xiijd fl.xxxixs ixd
ob. qra fl.Item a remenant of lynyn cloth of iiij aunys
j quarter, price of every aune xd fl.iijs vjd ob. fl.
vjli xvijd qr. fl.
Item for myn expensys & one other mannys
that halpe me to bye the seid clothxiiijd
Item for wasshyng of iij peces which were
wet in salt waterijdfl.
a Elorn in Bretagne. b Bourgneuf in Bretagne.
c Machecoul in Bretagne. d Le Conquet in Bretagne.
a The accounts of the ‘Brittissh child’ are wrong.
b Crossed out.