[? 1466]
Written on a sheet of paper—Chancery Misc., 37, iii, 21—in two columns, ending near the top of the second. There are 26 items in all. The most in- teresting are given below. The mention of Sackville indicates a date not later than 1466. William Coventre was collector of rents at Watlyngton in that year (Ministers Accounts, 1122/21).
Expense facte per Willelmum Coventre &c.
In primis spende at Illysley when ye rode yn to Deveneshyre, ij. d. Itm., at Ermyngton for wosshyng of yowyr shertys and M. Wyllyams, iij. d. Itm., at Bedwyn, iij. d. Itm., when y rode to seke M. Sakvyle, spende at Abyndon, iij. d. Itm., yn makyng of M. Wyllyams gowne, vij. d. Itm., a lase for M. Wyll., j. d. ob. Itm., for ij chekons both at Wodestok for yowre hawkys, ij. d. Itm., yn yowre drynkyng when ye wente a hawkyng at Wodestoke, ij. d. Itm., when y rode yn yowre erand to areste Edmond Dyer at ij tymys for my expenses on my horse
and me, vj. d. Itm., for a payre hosyn for M. Mary, ij. d. Itm., a payre hosyn for M. Isabell, j. d. ob. Itm., a cappe for M. Isabell, ij. d.
ob. Summa, xxx. s. iiij. d. ob.