Account Book of Elizabeth Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- Account Book of Elizabeth Stonor
- Reference
- C 47/37/7
- Date
- 1478-1479
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 233; Kingsford, Vol II, item 233
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
A small paper book of forty leaves formerly in a parchment cover, much
damaged by damp. Only twenty-five leaves have any writing on them; and
these are not continuous. It was apparently kept by Christopher Holand;
all the entries belong to 1478-79. Some typical entries are given. From
Ch. Misc., 37, vii.f. I, Elysabeth Stonore.
Item, payd to a man for cleft wode iij days and a halfe day, v. d.
It., payed on sant Caterenys day for iij axys, prese a pes ix. d.,
ij. s iij. d.f. 2. It., payd to Serle for iij wekys wages, xviij. d. It., payd to
Gardener the iiij day of Decembe for vij day makyng of candell,
ij. s. iiij. d. It., payd the same day for a dosen of candell weke, iij. s.
It., payd to the smythe of Henley for a loke for the porche cha[m]ber,
vj. d. It., payd for a cope for the caponys on candelmas yenne, vj. d.
It., for the expences at Henley for Herry Dener wen þat my lade wasse
wet my mastres her moder, xij. d.f. 3. It., payd the xj day of Maye to Welleam Somor ffor the careage
of a peyepe of wenne layede at Henley, xx. d.f. 7. Beyt rememberet þat Christoffor Holland, Serffaunde to my
master Syr Welleam Stonnor, Rec. of Rechart Leston1 the ffermor of
Hourton, v. li. It., Rec. of the melner of Hourton, vj. li. xv. s.f. 16. The expence in whet fro the fferst day of August the xviij yerre
of the Renne of Kyng Ewade the iiijth on the ix. day of November the
same yerre, xxvj quarters. It., spend in malte fro sayd fferst day on
the ix day of November xxxiij quarters. It., spend in beyffe doureng the
same tyme, vij.f 18. The expences and proviseon of the hosse holde off Stonner ffro
the ferst day off August the xviij yerre of the Renne of Kyng E. the
iiijth as foloys. fferst payd the iiij day off August for egges, iij d. It.
for boutter the same day, ij d. Fryday: It., payd the weke foloyng for
egges and boutter, vj. d. It., for mostarde and apont ij. d. It., for wet
for formete, ij. d.f 19. It., payd the fryday the xxij day off October for salt ffysche and
salt samon, and gonger and frysche ij. s. It., payd the fryday after
oure derecacon day for a quarter off ffresche samon, xij d. Md. that
my lady, dame Elizabeth Stonor and Christofer Holland have rekened
and accompted for thexpens of the houshold fro the ferst day of August
unto the ix day of November Ao E. iiijti xviijo. And the said Christofer
is contented and payed of the same unto the said ix day of Novembr.Elysabeth Stonore.
f. 22. The expences for crestemuds. Ferst bout the Thourys day afor
crestemuds xviij gesse, vj. s. ix. d. It., the same day a dosen caponys
iiij. s. iij. d. It., the same day vj dosen larkys, xij. d. It., ij dosen
settes, and gret berdys, xij. d. It., vj plofferys, vj. d. It., vj. wodde-
kokys xv. d. It., payd to Couffentre on the more for iiij gesse and ij
caponys, ij. s. It., payd the same day to John Yongys weffe and to
Blake of Wattelengton ffor egges, ij. s. iiij. d. It., paid the Wednysday
ffoloyng for ij dosen chekynys, ij. s. It., ffor iiij caponys, xvj. d. It.,
payd the Thourys day ffoloyng ffor di. a porke, xxij. d.f 23. It., on the xij day for porke, xij d. . . . It., the fryday after
the xij day for ijc oyster and a gornarde, ij. s.f. 24. Februar. It., payd at London the iiij day of Februari (A
long account of purchases totalling ?8. 3. 0) principal items are: for ij
barell herreng, xxij. s.; for iij cayde herreng, xij. s; for di C. aberdynne
xxvj. s. viij d.; for sourt of ffrout viij. s. iiij. d.; for a sake for the same
ffrout, xiij. d.; for viij bonches of garleke, ij. s.; to ij porterys for the
careage of the same stoffe to the barge, xij. d. It., for warffeage, j. d.;
for ij li. and di. of suger, ij. s. iij. d.; for di. li. genger, xij. d.f. 25. It., for a thourbage, vij. d. It., for iij pec. of greine pessen,
x. d. The xij day of Marche. It., for ijc oyster, iiij. d. It., for a
bochell of moscalleys, vj. d.f. 26. Apryll. For thourbout, xij. d. It., for choudeysheyde, iij. d.
It., for a lambe, xij. d. It., for a dosen pechonys, v. d.f 30. It., payd to Abere for the makyng of xx quarters malt,
viij s. iiij. d. It., payd to Wenne on messomor yeve for a trout and
elleys, ix. d. For the brengyng of ij sengnett fro my lorde of Sothe-
ftolke, xj. d.f 32. [21st August]. It., payd to John Matheu for fyesche þat he
payd wen þat I wasse in Kent, xix. d.f 33. [October]. It., for roches bout at Oxynffor be my masters
commandement, xix. d.f- 34. [November]. It., payd the man of Wattelengton for v day
makyng of candell, xx. d.Summa totalis expensorum liij. li. ix. s. xj. d. ob.
f. 40. It., payd for a peype of wette wenne bout at Reydynd,
xxxvj. s. x. d. It., for a peype of reyde wenne, xlvj. s. viij. d. It., for
bastarde, xiiij. s. It., for Henr. Dener, viij d. It. for hourssemet x d.
It., for the careage of reyde wenne fro London, iij. s. iiij. d. Summa
v. li. ij. s. iiij. d.1 See No. 247.
- Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
A small paper book of forty leaves formerly in a parchment cover, much
damaged by damp. Only twenty-five leaves have any writing on them; and
these are not continuous. It was apparently kept by Christopher Holand;
all the entries belong to 1478-79. Some typical entries are given. From
Ch. Misc., 37, vii.f. 1. Elysabeth Stonore.
Item, payd to a man for cleft wode iij days and a halfe day, v. d.
It., payed on sant Caterenys day for iij axys, prese a pes ix. d.,
ij. s. iij. d.f. 2. It., payd to Serle for iij wekys wages, xviij. d. It., payd to
Gardener the iiij day of Decembe for vij day makyng of candell,
ij. s. iiij. d. It., payd the same day for a dosen of candell weke, iij. s.
It., payd to the smythe of Henley for a loke for the porche cha[m]ber,
vj. d. It., payd for a cope for the caponys on candelmas yenne, vj. d.
It., for the expences at Henley for Herry Dener wen þat my lade wasse
wet my mastres her moder, xij. d.f. 3. It., payd the xj day of Maye to Welleam Somor ffor the careage
of a peyepe of wenne layede at Henley, xx. d.f. 7. Beyt rememberet þat Christoffor Holland, Serffaunde to my
master Syr Welleam Stonnor, Rec. of Rechart Leston 1 the ffermor of
Hourton, v. li. It., Rec. of the melner of Hourton, vj. li. xv. s.f. 16. The expence in whet fro the fferst day of August the xviij yerre
of the Renne of Kyng Ewade the iiijth on the ix. day of November the
same yerre, xxvj quarters. It., spend in malte fro sayd fferst day on
the ix day of November xxxiij quarters. It., spend in beyffe doureng the
same tyme, vij.f. 18. The expences and proviseon of the hosse holde off Stonner ffro
the ferst day off August the xviij yerre of the Renne of Kyng E. the
iiijth as foloys. fferst payd the iiij day off August for egges, iij d. It.,
for boutter the same day, ij d. Fryday: It., payd the weke foloyng for
egges and boutter, vj. d. It., for mostarde and apont ij. d. It., for wet
for formete, ij. d.f. 19. It., payd the fryday the xxij day off October for salt ffysche and
salt samon, and gonger and frysche ij. s. It., payd the fryday after
oure derecacon day for a quarter off ffresche samon, xij d. Md. that
my lady, dame Elizabeth Stonor and Christofer Holland have rekened
and accompted for thexpens of the houshold fro the ferst day of August
unto the ix day of November Ao E. iiijti xviijo. And the said Christofer
is contented and payed of the same unto the said ix day of Novembr.Elysabeth Stonore.
f. 22. The expences for crestemuds. Ferst bout the Thourys day afor
crestemuds xviij gesse, vj. s. ix. d. It., the same day a dosen caponys
iiij. s. iij. d. It., the same day vj dosen larkys, xij. d. It., ij dosen
settes, and gret berdys, xij. d. It., vj plofferys, vj. d. It., vj. wodde-
kokys xv. d. It., payd to Couffentre on the more for iiij gesse and ij
caponys, ij. s. It., payd the same day to John Yongys weffe and to
Blake of Wattelengton ffor egges, ij. s. iiij. d. It., paid the Wednysday
ffoloyng for ij dosen chekynys, ij. s. It., ffor iiij caponys, xvj. d. It.,
payd the Thourys day ffoloyng ffor di. a porke, xxij. d.f. 23. It., on the xij day for porke, xij d. . . . It., the fryday after
the xij day for ijc oyster and a gornarde, ij. s.f. 24. Februar. It., payd at London the iiij day of Februari (A
long account of purchases totalling £8. 3. 0) principal items are: for ij
barell herreng, xxij. s.; for iij cayde herreng, xij. s; for di C. aberdynne
xxvj. s. viij d.; for sourt of ffrout viij. s. iiij. d.; for a sake for the same
ffrout, xiij. d.; for viij bonches of garleke, ij. s.; to ij porterys for the
careage of the same stoffe to the barge, xij. d. It., for warffeage, j. d.;
for ij li. and di. of suger, ij. s. iij. d.; for di. li. genger, xij. d.f. 25. It., for a thourbage, vij. d. It., for iij pec. of greine pessen,
x. d. The xij day of Marche. It., for ijc oyster, iiij. d. It., for a
bochell of moscalleys, vj. d.f. 26. Apryll. For thourbout, xij. d. It., for choudeysheyde, iij. d.
It., for a lambe, xij. d. It., for a dosen pechonys, v. d.f. 30. It., payd to Abere for the makyng of xx quarters malt,
viij. s. iiij. d. It., payd to Wenne on messomor yeve for a trout and
elleys, ix. d. For the brengyng of ij sengnett fro my lorde of Sothe-
ffolke, xj. d.f. 32. [21st August]. It., payd to John Matheu for fyesche þat he
payd wen þat I wasse in Kent, xix. d.f. 33. [October]. It., for roches bout at Oxynffor be my masters
commandement, xix. d.
f. 34. [November]. It., payd the man of Wattelengton for v day
makyng of candell, xx. d.Summa totalis expensorum liij. li. ix. s. xj. d. ob.
f. 40. It., payd for a peype of wette wenne bout at Reydynd,
xxxvj. s. x. d. It., for a peype of reyde wenne, xlvj. s. viij. d. It., for
bastarde, xiiij. s. It., for Henr. Dener, viij d. It. for hourssemet x d.
It., for the careage of reyde wenne fro London, iij. s. iiij. d. Summa
v. li. ij. s. iiij. d.1 See No. 247.