A Wydeslade Inventory
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- A Wydeslade Inventory
- Reference
- C 47/37/4/64
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 352; Kingsford, 'Supplementary', item 352
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
[? 1480.]This is probably to be dated 1480, the year when Agnes Wydeslade married
Sir William Stonor. It may relate to goods delivered to her on that occasion.
The original is so defective that it cannot be fully deciphered. But the
specification of the rooms, and some of the items—especially the hand gun,
and four guns—are interesting. From Chancery Misc. 37, iv. 64.Delyvered to Mres. Wydeslade. first j federbedde, j maters, ij
coverlettes, ij blankettes, v pelues, j saI[ett]....doublett of fensh,1
iij brasen potes, iij pans, j cowdern, j pr. bronde Ise,2 j gose pan,
A tankarde, iiij billes, j stulle, j bordclothe, ij towels, j peir of
Crokes, iij brooches, a barue,10 a laver, a salt saler, vij pewter disshes,
iij perogers, j sauser . . . . . anande Ire3 . . . . . j pere of pynserz, j
harnese, j hangynge for a pott, a honde gone, ij tanges,11 a maseboke,12
j portues of rysden,4 ij peir of vestmentes, j clandefer,5 and a bote
of oon,6 ij bellys, iij ronge of Ire14 . . . . . xvij trendels,7 v barellys, a
botell, a can, a alepot of yerth, a so15. . . . ij pypys, v redde trenchers . . .
white trenchers, a ladell, xiiij kyprys,16 . . . . . potyngers, a pyper querne,1
a flesh hoke, a strener, iij brasyn pottes, a basyn, a pan, a caudryn-
full of grese, vj brode dyshes, v potyngers, a saucer, iij bard . . . . .
vj towels, ij pothokys, ij treen2 ale pottes, ij grete twystes,3 a
bagge . . . . . styck and a fote of a candelstyck, a solet with yryn feet.
[In the lar]der howse, iij brochys, a bokyn tub,17 a vate to kepe
flessh yn, a barel for . . . . . an old pan, . . . . . an aundyr, a chaver for
colys4 . . . . . an axe a . . . . . dressyn knyffe, a tubbe to make candels
yn, . . . . . to put fe?ers yn, a mustard cruet, ij pylles, a rake . . . . .
for the owene.Yn the lyme howse, a furme.
Yn the Kychyn. a . . . . . mylne.
Yn the Hall. iij tabell burds, ix bynche furmes. . . . . a payr of
tabels, iij cheyrs, a frame 3 [el]le,5 iiij gunnes, . . . . . v trestels, a spere
and a spere staue, ij hey nettes, a rode nett, ij plankes, . . . . . a
iryn shoell, ij dungge pykes, . . . . .[Yn Saint G]eorge is chapell. ij curettes . . . . . iij torchis, a
masse boke, a sacryn bell, a boxe to put singyng brede yn . . . . .
a chalys . . . . .[Yn . . . . . ch]amber . . . . ij shavys,6 a plane .... a payr of pynshers,
ij iryn cofyrs, a hammer, . . . . . xviij busshell of corne, . . . . . a
bushell of . . . . . make[Yn the Chamber] over the parlor. xviij busshell of corne . . . . .
a bushell of whete . . . . . a torche . . . . . beddes1 Perhaps "a doublet of fence." 2 A pair of branding irons.
3 Andirons. 4 Perhaps the name of a place or person.13
5 This is obscure; perhaps there is an error for "candel" meaning a
candelabrum. 6 Also obscure. 7 A trendle, a brewer's cooler. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'Supplementary Stonor Letters and Papers (1314-1482)'
[? 1480.]
This is probably to be dated 1480, the year when Agnes Wydeslade married
Sir William Stonor. It may relate to goods delivered to her on that occasion.
The original is so defective that it cannot be fully deciphered. But the
specification of the rooms, and some of the items—especially the hand gun,
and four guns—are interesting. From Chancery Misc. 37, iv. 64.Delyvered to Mres. Wydeslade. first j federbedde, j maters, ij
coverlettes, ij blankettes, v pelues, j sal[ett]. . . . .doublett of fensh,1
iij brasen potes, iij pans, j cowdern, j pr. bronde Ise,2 j gose pan,
A tankarde, iiij billes, j stulle, j bordclothe, ij towels, j peir of
Crokes, iij brooches, a barue, a laver, a salt saler, vij pewter disshes,
iij perogers, j sauser. . . . .anande Ire3. . . . .j pere of pynserz, j
harnese, j hangynge for a pott, a honde gone, ij tanges, a maseboke,
j portues of rysden,4 ij peir of vestmentes, j clandefer,5 and a bote
of oon,6 ij bellys, iij ronge of Ire. . . . .xvij trendels,7 v barellys, abotell, a can, a alepot of yerth, a so. . . . ij pypys, v redde trenchers. . . .
white trenchers, a ladell, xiiij kyprys, . . . . . potyngers, a pyper querne,1
a flesh hoke, a strener, iij brasyn pottes, a basyn, a pan, a caudryn-
full of grese, vj brode dyshes, v potyngers, a saucer, iij bard. . . . .
vj towels, ij pothokys, ij treen2 ale pottes, ij grete twystes,3 a
bagge. . . . .styck and a fote of a candelstyck, a solet with yryn feet.[In the lar]der howse, iij brochys, a bokyn tub, a vate to kepe
flessh yn, a barel for. . . . .an old pan, . . . . .an aundyr, a chaver for
colys4 . . . . . an axe. . . . .a dressyn knyffe, a tubbe to make candels
yn, . . . . .to put feþers yn, a mustard cruet, ij pylles, a rake. . . . .
for the owene.Yn the lyme howse, a furme.
Yn the Kychyn. a. . . . .mylne.
Yn the Hall. iij tabell burds, ix bynche furmes. . . . .a payr of
tabels, iij cheyrs, a frame З [el]le,5 iiij gunnes, . . . . .v trestels, a spere
and a spere staue, ij hey nettes, a rode nett, ij plankes, . . . . .a
iryn shoell, ij dungge pykes, . . . . .[Yn Saint G]eorge is chapell. ij cruettes. . . . .iij torchis, a
masse boke, a sacryn bell, a boxe to put singyng brede yn. . . . .
a chalys. . . . .[Yn. . . . .ch]amber. . . . .ij shavys,6 a plane. . . . .a payr of pynshers,
ij iryn cofyrs, a hammer, . . . . .xviij busshell of corne, . . . . .a
bushell of. . . . .malte. . . . .[Yn the Chamber] over the parlor. xviij busshell of corne. . . . .
a bushell of whete. . . . .a torche. . . . .beddes. . . . .1 Perhaps “a doublet of fence.” 2 A pair of branding irons.
3 Andirons. 4 Perhaps the name of a place or person.
5 This is obscure; perhaps there is an error for “candel” meaning a
candelabrum. 6 Also obscure. 7 A trendle, a brewer’s cooler.