A Register of Writs
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- A Register of Writs
- Reference
- Add. 27445, f. 43
- Date
- 1471
- Library / Archive
- The British Library
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Gairdner, Vol V, item 772
- Transcript from James Gairdner, 'The Paston Letters, A.D., 1422-1509, New Complete Library Edition, Volume V'
A Register of Writs, etc., which was probably sent with the preceding
letter. It is addressed on the back, ‘To Sir John Paston,’ and endorsed
’James Gresham.’Distringas against Sir John Paston, late of Castre, for his appearance in the
King’s Bench, Easter, 8 Edw. IV. ‘Per Contr. de Anno viijo E. iiijti. Ro.
xxviij.2 Vynter.’Distringas against Sir John Paston and Ric. Calle, late of Castre, with
capias against William Wykes, late of Castre; Edmund Brome, late of
Redeham; and John Dawebeney, late of Castre; Thurstan Cokesson, alias
Starky, late of Castre; John Pampyng, late of Castre; and Henry Swete, late
of Castre, yeoman, for their appearance in the King’s Bench in Easter to
answer for offences against the statute de ingressibus manu forti. ‘Per Contr’
de Anno viijo E. iiijti. Ro. xxviij. Vynter.’’Of these ij. writtes ar supersedeas delyvered to the Undirshirreve.’
Writ of exigent against John Pampyng, late of Castre, gent., and Edmund
Brome of Castre, gent., ‘Oct’ Joh’is,’ appealed by Cecilia, widow of John
Colman, as principals in the death of her husband. Ro. 67. ‘Breve istud
deliberatur de recordo, Hill. xlix. Sonde.’Another writ of exigent against Pampyng and Brome at the King’s suit for
divers felonies and murders. ‘Ro. xvj. Per Contr’ de Anno xo E. iiijti. Ro.
xijo Vynter.’Distringas against Sir John Paston and Ric. Calle for their appearance in
the King’s Bench in Easter term, on an indictment for forcible entry. ‘Per
Contr’ de Anno viijo E. iiijti. Ro. xxix.’Distringas against Sir John Paston and Ric. Calle, with capias against John
Wykes, late of Castre, Edmund Brome, John Dawebeney, and Thurstan
Cokesson, alias Starky, late of Castre, for their appearance in the King’s Bench
in Easter term, on an indictment of forcible entry. ‘Per Contr’ de Anno viij.
E. iiijti. Ro. xxviij. Vynter.’Distringas against Sir John Paston and Ric. Calle, with capias against John
Wykes, Edmund Brome, John Dawebeney, and Thurstan, etc., for Easter.
’Per Contr. de Anno viij. Ro. xxviij. Vynter.’Capias against John Pampyng, late of Castre, Edmund Brome, late of
Redeham, William Bedford and Edmund Mason, late of Bychamwelle, laborer,
and Alex. Cok of Norwich, yeoman, ‘xv. Pasch.,’ appealed by Christiana,
widow of Thos. Mylys, in Easter term, as principals in the death of her
husband. Also capias against William Paston of Norwich and Ralph Lovell of
Bychamwelle, gent., appealed as accessaries. Ro. lxix. Registrum Sonde.’*** All the above writs are for the county of Norfolk.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.]
2 The Controlment Roll 8 Edw. IV. is now missing.