AN image off Owr Lady with ij. awngellis sensyng, gilthe, viijxx. unc’, viz., xiiili. et. iiij. unc’.
Item, a crosse with a fott, lx. unc’, gilthe in to cassys and gilt, viijxx. & xvij. unc’, viz., xiiijli. & ix. unc’.
Item, an image of Sent Jon Vangelist, gilthe, weyng vijxx.x. unc’, viz., xijli. vj. unc’.
Item, an image of Sent Jon Baptist, gilthe, with the Lamb, lviij. unc’, viz., iiijli. x. unnc’.
Item, an image off Sent Jamis with his staff, gilthe, weyng xxxvj. unc’, viz., iijli.
Item, an image off Our Lady, gilthe, with a crowne and a lely, weyng iijxx.vj. unnc’, viz., vli. vj. unc’.
Item, an image of Sent Denys, gilthe, weyng l. unc’, viz., iiijli. ij. unc’.
Item, an image off owr Savyowr, gilt, with His crosse, His diademe, and His fane, vxx.xj. unc’, viz., ixli. iij. unc’.
Summa unciarum xlxx.viij. unc’.
Summa lxvij. lib. iiij. unc’.
Sum in markis Cj. mark ij. unc’, di.
Memorandum, j. lib. continet xij. unc’; j. marc continet viij. unc’.
Endorsed—Episcopus Cantuariensis.
1 [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This list is likewise in the handwriting of Richard Calle, and was perhaps drawn up about the same time as the preceding one.