A Bailiff at Bridport to his Master, Together with an Agreement between Cristine and Robert Battescomb
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- A Bailiff at Bridport to his Master, Together with an Agreement between Cristine and Robert Battescomb
- Reference
- SC 1/46/88
- Date
- 1473
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 129; Kingsford, Vol I, item 129
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
Ancient Correspondence, xlvi, 88, is a sheet of paper containing copies of
three documents which do not appear to belong properly to the Stonor Papers.
The first is a copy of the Latin Letters of Presentation addressed on 20 July,
1473, by William Olyver and John Hille, bailiffs of the town of Bridport, to
Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, on behalf of John Wikes, chaplain,
for his admission to the Chantry of St. Katherine in the parish church of
Bridport, in their presentation and now vacant through the resignation of John
Lugge. The second is a letter written apparently by a bailiff to his master,
of which there are two drafts written on the back of the paper; the date of
this is 8 Dec., 1473. The third document consists of Memoranda written on
the same side as the Letters of Presentation; they are probably of about the
same date as the other two. These latter documents seem to have sufficient
interest of their own to justify their inclusion.Right reverent and my most Worschipfull Master, I recommaunde
me to you: letyng you to understonde þat y hafe dylyvered to Thomas
Baylegh of Brydeport iiij. li. v. s. for the quarter rent at Mis[somer] last
passed by vertu of your letter þat ye sent to me by hym.Notwithstondyng ye send me long before a letter by Nicholas your
servant, þat he scholbe your generall reseyvour fro þat y come yn to
your prebende, and for fawte of payment to distrayne &c.: the same
Nicholas reseyved of me your Missomer quarter rent þe moryw apon þe
Nat. of seynt John Bapt. before þe Vicar of Nytherby and oþer, so y ow
you no money afore Cristismasse. Y pray your gode masterschip þat
y may be kept harmles ayenst þe same Nicholas þat he distrayne me nat
for þis money þat y dylyvered: and þat y may hafe very knowlych fro
you to whom y schall dylyver your money: and y to be discharged.
Also ye send me word, and charged me by your letter þat y schold
dylyver to Thomas Baylegh wode and tymber: y dar not do hit, nor
not so moche to fille for to content J. Amylle is covenant, for þer be so
many wayters and controllers; and y schold any thyng do, þey wold
accuse you and me to þe Chapiter of Sarum; þer for y and wyff be right
heve and sory and alwey schalbe unto tyme we mowe speke with you or
som comfort fro you &c. Ye mos make rywhell for your Courtes to be
holde. Scribeled &c. the day of Conception of our lady, ao E. iiijti xiijo.The earlier draft which was erased concluded:—
Also I hafe do certayn reparacions apon þe were of þe mille and
oþer longyng to your reparacion. Y wote well ye woll alowe me þerof.
Also ye send to me your letter þat y schold dylyver to Thomas Baylegh
wode and tymber: y dare nat do hit, neyther to fylle ne sille þat ye
gafe me in commaundment as moche as come to xls. to serve John
Amylle: for þer beth so many wayters, yf y schold any thyng fille bey
wold accuse you and me to þe Dene and Chapiter Sarum, which myзth
turne you and me to grete harme. Also ye send me in writyng that þer
schuld no court be hold into your comyng oþer sendyng of your writing
to do hit, which is a grete greffe as well to you as to me: in lasse ye
make another ordinaunce þerfor, your housyng of your tenentre wolbe
lostOn the other side are written the following Memoranda:—
Remembrance of covenants bytwyxt C. Battescomb and Rob. Battes-
comb. First þat þe same Cristine hath graunted to be same Robt. all
her part of her lond in Veriswatton, excepte as hit folwys, terme of hys
lyffe, beryng þerfor yerly to þe same C. xlvjs. viijd. quarterly to be
payed, in fawte of payment by a moneth arearige &c: excep' the grete
chamber with fre goyng therto, and easement of þe Parllour, Kechyn,
bakhouse, buntyng hous, and a lytell appell hous over þe ovene, and
esyment of þe stabel yf any frend of myne come to me, with a chamber
for þem, and the pantery &c. Item þe lytell orchard, reservyng hole
to me with vj appell trees in þe grete orchard, with a lytell plat of hemp
lond, and also suche ffuell as me nedeth: and he to repayre al maner
tynges þat ought to be repayred as well in housyng as in clausure &c.:
and also to nyw make a prevy to þe grete chamber for me, and also a
lyte mywe to set in goos, capun, and chekyn and other &c.In another hand:—
Y-spend for J. Danyell for wyne to þe Dene of Sarum xijd.
And y delyvered to Syr J. stockfisch xx, wherof he brouƷth me
ayen and he for to wayte apon þe Dene of Sarum, and so he dyde vij
dayes. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume I'
Ancient Correspondence, xlvi, 88, is a sheet of paper containing copies of
three documents which do not appear to belong properly to the Stonor Papers.
The first is a copy of the Latin Letters of Presentation addressed on 20 July,
1473, by William Olyver and John Hille, bailiffs of the town of Bridport, to
Richard Beauchamp, Bishop of Salisbury, on behalf of John Wikes, chaplain,
for his admission to the Chantry of St. Katherine in the parish church of
Bridport, in their presentation and now vacant through the resignation of John
Lugge. The second is a letter written apparently by a bailiff to his master,
of which there are two drafts written on the back of the paper; the date of
this is 8 Dec., 1473. The third document consists of Memoranda written on
the same side as the Letters of Presentation; they are probably of about the
same date as the other two. These latter documents seem to have sufficient
interest of their own to justify their inclusion.Right reverent and my most Worschipfull Master, I recommaunde
me to you : letyng you to understonde þat y hafe dylyvered to Thomas
Baylegh of Brydeport iiij. li. v. s. for the quarter rent at Mis[somer] last
passed by vertu of your letter þat ye sent to me by hym.Notwithstondyng ye send me long before a letter by Nicholas your
servant, þat he scholbe your generall reseyvour fro þat y come yn to
your prebende, and for fawte of payment to distrayne &c.: the same
Nicholas reseyved of me your Missomer quarter rent þe moryw apon þe
Nat. of seynt John Bapt. before þe Vicar of Nytherby and oþer, so y ow
you no money afore Cristismasse. Y pray your gode masterschip þat
y may be kept harmles ayenst þe same Nicholas þat he distrayne me nat
for þis money þat y dylyvered: and þat y may hafe very knowlych fro
you to whom y schall dylyver your money: and y to be discharged.
Also ye send me word, and charged me by your letter þat y schold
dylyver to Thomas Baylegh wode and tymber: y dar not do hit, nor
not so moche to fille for to content J. Amylle is covenant, for þer be so
many wayters and controllers; and y schold any thyng do, þey wold
accuse you and me to þe Chapiter of Sarum; þer for y and wyff be right
heve and sory and alwey schalbe unto tyme we mowe speke with you or
som comfort fro you &c. Ye mos make rywhell for your Courtes to be
holde. Scribeled &c. the day of Conception of our lady, ao E. iiijti xiijo.The earlier draft which was erased concluded:—
Also I hafe do certayn reparacions apon þe were of þe mille and
oþer longyng to your reparacion. Y wote well ye woll alowe me þerof.
Also ye send to me your letter þat y schold dylyver to Thomas Baylegh
wode and tymber: y dare nat do hit, neyther to fylle ne sille þat ye
gafe me in commaundment as moche as come to xls. to serve John
Amylle: for þer beth so many wayters, yf y schold any thyng fille þey
wold accuse you and me to þe Dene and Chapiter Sarum, which myЗth
turne you and me to grete harme. Also ye send me in writyng that þer
schuld no court be hold into your comyng oþer sendyng of your writyng
to do hit, which is a grete greffe as well to you as to me: in lasse ye
make another ordinaunce þerfor, your housyng of your tenentre wolbe
lost.On the other side are written the following Memoranda:—
Remembrance of covenants bytwyxt C. Battescomb and Rob. Battes-
comb. First þat þe same Cristine hath graunted to þe same Robt. all
her part of her lond in Veriswatton, excepte as hit folwys, terme of hys
lyffe, beryng þerfor yerly to þe same C. xlvjs. viijd. quarterly to be
payed, in fawte of payment by a moneth arearige &c.: excep’ the grete
chamber with fre goyng therto, and easement of þe Parllour, Kechyn,
bakhouse, buntyng hous, and a lytell appell hous over þe ovene, and
esyment of þe stabel yf any frend of myne come to me, with a chamber
for þem, and the pantery &c. Item þe lytell orchard, reservyng hole
to me with vj appell trees in þe grete orchard, with a lytell plat of hemp
lond, and also suche ffuell as me nedeth: and he to repayre al maner
tynges þat ought to be repayred as well in housyng as in clausure &c.:
and also to nyw make a prevy to þe grete chamber for me, and also a
lyte mywe to set in goos, capun, and chekyn and other &c.In another hand:—
Y-spend for J. Danyell for wyne to þe Dene of Sarum xijd.
And y delyvered to Syr J. stockfisch xx, wherof he brouЗth me
ayen and he for to wayte apon þe Dene of Sarum, and so he dyde vij