...rde Hall to Sir William Stonor
- Medieval Family Life
- Title
- ...rde Hall to Sir William Stonor
- Reference
- SC 1/46/166
- Library / Archive
- The National Archives, UK
- Transcript location(s) in printed volume(s)
- Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters', item 241; Kingsford, Vol II, item 241
- Transcript from Christine Carpenter, 'Kingsford's Stonor Letters and Papers, 1290-1483'
STONOR[1 JUNE, 1479 ?]
This letter—A. C., xlvi, 166—is much mutilated; it may perhaps relate to
the same matter as No. 242.34 It begins:—?[I recommend m]e to you. Leke yowe Remembur the laste terme
at Lundon y made labur to yowe ffor the delyveraunce. . . . Standelf:
at whiche time ye made a byll to your servaunde ffor the delyveraunce
of the same. . . . . . . How be hytt, as hytt ys seyd, vij of the beste of
the seyd catell reste yette with yowe. . . . Prayng yow they may be de-
lyvered accordyng to suche direction as wasse taken.?Halle then goes on to ask that:—
?þe day may be had as ye apoynted before Mydsomer: my ffather
Rede wolbe redy with a resonable . . ., for he thyngketh he is nott
kyndely deled with, rememberyng he wasse nevyr speke with in þat
mater . . . [w]asse taken uppon the Assencion Eve, and uppon the
Friday nexte aftur cam Lentall to hym . . . fro yowe, which he thynketht
onkynde delyng. Accordyng to my promyse to yow at Lundon I wrote
[la]tely to John Felowe for þe lande þat ve well know and incontinent
upon the syght of my letter. . . .The remainder is too broken to extract any of the meaning.
. . . . ?the Tewysday in the Whytson.. . . .?. . . rde Halle.?
To his ryght worshipfull Sir William Stonor, knyght, this letter be
delyvered. - Transcript from Charles Lethbridge Kingsford, 'The Stonor Letters and Papers 1290-1483, Volume II'
STONOR[1 JUNE, 1479 ?]
This letter—A.C., xlvi, 166—is much mutilated; it may perhaps relate to
the same matter as No. 242. It begins:—“[I recommend m]e to you. Leke yowe Remembur the laste terme
at Lundon y made labur to yowe ffor the delyveraunce. . . . Standelf:
at whiche time ye made a byll to your servaunde ffor the delyveraunce
of the same. . . . . . . How be hytt, as hytt ys seyd, vij of the beste of
the seyd catell reste yette with yowe. . . . Prayng yow they may be de-
lyvered accordyng to suche direction as wasse taken.”Halle then goes on to ask that:—
“þe day may be had as ye apoynted before Mydsomer: my ffather
Rede wolbe redy with a resonable . . ., for he thyngketh he is nott
kyndely deled with, rememberyng he wasse nevyr speke with in þat
mater . . . [w]asse taken uppon the Assencion Eve, and uppon the
Friday nexte aftur cam Lentall to hym . . . fro yowe, which he thynketh
onkynde delyng. Accordyng to my promyse to yow at Lundon I wrote
[la]tely to John Felowe for þe lande þat ye well know and incontinent
upon the syght of my letter. . . .The remainder is too broken to extract any of the meaning.
. . . . “the Tewysday in the Whytson. . . .”. . . rde Halle.”
To his ryght worshipfull Sir William Stonor, knyght, this letter be